So a few weeks back I go to my GP and tell her the standard list of symptoms: Tired, unmotivated, lack of progress on weight/strength gain or weight loss, low libido, so she sends me for a superficial T3/test panel along with standard metabolic panel.
Age: 20
Height: 6’5"
Weight: 216 bone-dry in the morning
Waist: 36-38" depending
BF%: 18-22% (honestly have no real idea)
Most fat is carried on my lower back and in love handles, this is more significant than belly fat
Hair seems to be receding from the temples, facial hair seems to be developing, albeit slowly. Body hair is more pronounced on chest than it has been.
I started puberty around 10 or 11, and seem to have had a slow development.
Only OTC drug I’ve been on recently is Bronkaid to help with chest infections.
Diet is healthy-average, occasional junk with a usual lunch of something high-fiber and something high-protein. Ordinarily skip breakfast.
Training is mild, though dedicated. 3 day split + one makeup in case of underworked group or missed exercise or something. Regular cardio, between 1-5 times a week. Became more infrequent as I felt more tired.
Testes ache very, very rarely. No real regularity, don’t think this is a factor.
Morning wood has always been mild or non-existent, nocturnal erections have never been a thing (noc. emissions have never once happened)
Cholesterol: 140 (100-189)
VLDL: 10 ( 5- 40)
LDL: 88 ( 0-119)
HDL: 42 ( >39 )
Triglycerides:51 ( 0-114)
(all prev. in mg/dL)
Test, serum: 382ng/dL (348-1197)
Free test, direct: 11.3pg/mL (9.3-26.5)
TSH: 2.860 uIU/mL (0.450-4.500)
T4: 9.3 ug/dL (4.5-12.0)
T3: 108 ng/dL (71-180)
I’ve reasoned out thyroid problems being a problem since T3 levels are going to be depressed a little due to diet and lifestyle, which leaves test.
I’m a little iffy about trying to start TRT, since I’m only 20 and it’s a lifelong thing with potentially debilitating fertility problems. My test levels also don’t seem to be disastrously low, and it’s worth noting I haven’t spend much time around people for a few months (which would disrupt HPGA function through lack of oxytocin). Lastly, I’ve been a bit depressed lately, so I wonder this:
Should I see if lifestyle changes and stress reduction in the upcoming semester help ease the problems (since I know depression causes low T as well as low T causing depression)? I’d like to improve my QOL through non-TRT means if at all possible. Any advice on this would be much appreciated.