20 Week Cycle


I am on TRT at 200 mg test E / week

I was thinking of running a 20 weeks blast and then cruise at TRT 200 mg / wk.

If someone can please advise if my 20 week annual blast is safe and good !

The following is my planned 20 week annual blast cycle

Week 1-4

Test e - 500 / wk
Tren a - 300 / wk
Masteron - 100 - wk

Week 5-16

Test e - 700 / wk
Tren a - 450 / wk
Masteron - 100 / wk

Week 17-20

Test e - 500 / wk
Tren a - 300/ wk
Masteron - 100/wk

Wk 1-20

Caber - .5mg EOD
Arimidex 1 mg - - EOD
Hgh - 2-3 iu ED

Do i need to run hcg ? Is my blast safe and good or is it too long and will it cause permanent dmaages ! Please advise

After the blast i will cruise on trt for 7 month of the year - test 200 mg / wk

What’s your reasoning behind the caber and AI dosage?

No it’s not good. Run the tren 8 weeks only. Tren is toxic and it could potentially have mental sides the longer you are on it.
0 need to taper the drugs up and down.
Assuming you know you need to pin the tren ED or EOD day at most?
Don’t run the caber unless you need to. At that dose you will feel like death the entire cycle.

Run it like this:
Week 1-12
Test e - 500 / wk
Masteron - 200 - wk

Week 12-20
Test e - 500 / wk
Tren a - 300/ wk
Masteron - 200/wk

Wk 1-20
Caber - Only as needed
Arimidex 1 mg - - EOD This one is tough. I would start a bit lower. 1mg x 2 per week and see how you do.
Hgh - 2 iu ED

I would not run it during the blast. Drop it and then resume when you come off if you wanna run it.

Ai to keep estrogen in check

Caber to keep prolactin in check when on tren

You’re going to crash you e2 and prolactin levels with the protocol you suggested. You probably won’t need caber at all - but have it at hand. I’d keep the AI dosage to 0.5mg 2x week.

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