Anyone seen this on the news?
yeah. A month ago. Not on one of the main news stations, though.
It showed the National Gerd in Texas walking through neighborhoods.
Two birds with one stone…as our economy collapses, guys can be put into paramilitary units — less unemployment and more order. That’s kind of how China does it.
States and cities are going bankrupt (murders in Chicago now less than a mile from Obama’s house), so they’ll fire their cops. Look for martial law for sure.
A military dictatorship is a possibility, soon. Those old boys at CIA, NSA, and the military aren’t going to put up with Commander-In-Chief Bugwit, for long.
You should have added this to my “Arbeit Macht Frei” thread.
Oh nuts. Perhaps this means that Ezequiel Hernandez will have company. He was killed by Marines while herding goats near the Mexican border. See Esequiel Hernández Jr. - Wikipedia
Are they finally securing the border?
[quote]Sloth wrote:
Are they finally securing the border?[/quote]
No, these are not 20,000 troops for border security. These are 20,000 troops to maintain civil order. I was trying to suggest that civilians doing normal activities, like herding sheep, have reason to be concerned when the military is used within our borders. The two most recent examples of military excesses against civilians within our borders were the killing of Ezequiel Hernandez and the killings at Kent State during the Vietnam war. In both of these cases, I don’t think that these example are in any way typical of our highly trained troops, but hey, shit happens.
Jlesk68 has been doing a good job of reporting these stories of government excesses that don’t get reported in the main stream press.
I think that PRCalDude were suggesting that this is a very dangerous precedent, resembling what happened in Europe after WWI that lead to Fascism. (correct me if I am wrong)
I also think that Headhunter was suggesting that other branches of the government have already been exceeding Constitutional limits on the role of government. Couple this with the current financial meltdown, and we have set the stage for what could be a coup d’etat that finally ends a democratic government defined the Constitution. (correct me if I am wrong, I may have gone over the top on this)
I don’t think anyone thinks this will make our borders secure.
[quote]Journeyman wrote:
I don’t think anyone thinks this will make our borders secure.[/quote]
Better than nothing.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
Journeyman wrote:
I don’t think anyone thinks this will make our borders secure.
Better than nothing.[/quote]
Did you watch the video? The troops are not even on the borders. These seem to be troops training to impose martial law. Nominally, this is for martial law following ‘terrorism’ or ‘natural disaster’ or ‘economic unrest’, but the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
All I’m seeing is that 20,000 troops are stationed in the US.
[quote]Journeyman wrote:
Sloth wrote:
Journeyman wrote:
I don’t think anyone thinks this will make our borders secure.
Better than nothing.
Did you watch the video? The troops are not even on the borders. These seem to be troops training to impose martial law. Nominally, this is for martial law following ‘terrorism’ or ‘natural disaster’ or ‘economic unrest’, but the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.[/quote]
What do you propose than? From what I understand, the economy is going to go to hell, people are going to turn against the gov, riots, …absolute lunacy. or am I wrong?
What should the gov do?
[quote]Journeyman wrote:
Oh nuts. Perhaps this means that Ezequiel Hernandez will have company. He was killed by Marines while herding goats near the Mexican border. See[/quote]
The armed individual, Mr. Esequiel Hernandez, Jr., fired two shots from his 22. caliber rifle at the immediate location of Team 7 from a distance of approximately 185 meters (Encls (8), (11), (12), (13), (14), (23), (24), (26))
As Cpl Torrez observed it “seemed like he had a visual on us. The five gallon water jug was sitting like right between us two, myself and Lance Corporal Blood.” He described the jug as “turned sideways in front of us.” (Encl (28))
Cpl Torrez recalled Mr. Hernandez raising the rifle up into a left-hand offhand firing position and then firing in their direction. When the round passed by he “stayed there for a second. The second round we heard go by, we got down in the prone position.” He estimated the interval between the rounds as being “a few seconds.” (Encl (28))
LCpl Wieler remembered hearing two shots which sounded like a whistle. At the time of the first shot he was in a kneeling position. He went to a prone position and then was told by Cpl Banuelos to “lock and load” (put a round in the firing chamber of their M-16’s). He recalled coming up from the prone position to the kneeling position and then hearing a second shot. (Encls (7), (8), (23), (25), (28))
Educate yourself don’t rely on what the media tells you it is often half truths.
[quote]jlesk68 wrote:
Anyone seen this on the news?
I watched the vid you posted, all they said was 20,000 more troops will be deployed here at home. I don;t see a problem with that as long as we arent kicking in peoples doors for no reason. I also watched the 30 second vid on the same topic by Amy Goodman.
I find it ironic that the far left guy that she voted for wants to have a militia of his own but I havent heard her say anything negative about that.
[quote]RyanBrown0311 wrote:
Journeyman wrote:
Oh nuts. Perhaps this means that Ezequiel Hernandez will have company. He was killed by Marines while herding goats near the Mexican border. See Esequiel Hernández Jr. - Wikipedia
The armed individual, Mr. Esequiel Hernandez, Jr., fired two shots from his 22. caliber rifle at the immediate location of Team 7 from a distance of approximately 185 meters (Encls (8), (11), (12), (13), (14), (23), (24), (26))
As Cpl Torrez observed it “seemed like he had a visual on us. The five gallon water jug was sitting like right between us two, myself and Lance Corporal Blood.” He described the jug as “turned sideways in front of us.” (Encl (28))
Cpl Torrez recalled Mr. Hernandez raising the rifle up into a left-hand offhand firing position and then firing in their direction. When the round passed by he “stayed there for a second. The second round we heard go by, we got down in the prone position.” He estimated the interval between the rounds as being “a few seconds.” (Encl (28))
LCpl Wieler remembered hearing two shots which sounded like a whistle. At the time of the first shot he was in a kneeling position. He went to a prone position and then was told by Cpl Banuelos to “lock and load” (put a round in the firing chamber of their M-16’s). He recalled coming up from the prone position to the kneeling position and then hearing a second shot. (Encls (7), (8), (23), (25), (28))
Educate yourself don’t rely on what the media tells you it is often half truths.[/quote]
185 meters with a .22? HAHAHAHAHA If I was in full battle rattle I’d LET someone shoot at me with that weapon at that range.
[quote]RyanBrown0311 wrote:
Journeyman wrote:
Educate yourself don’t rely on what the media tells you it is often half truths.[/quote]
And what the military tells you is…?
This isn’t anything to be worried about IMO, it’s not like they’re saying a platoon of soldiers are going to be assigned to watch each and every single household in the country with guns pointed at you in case you might be planning an act of treason or a terrorist attack while having a BBQ in your back yard. Besides, troops marching through towns or cities isn’t a new phenomenon, if you live close to a base then it’s not a rare sight.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Two birds with one stone…as our economy collapses, guys can be put into paramilitary units — less unemployment and more order. That’s kind of how China does it.
States and cities are going bankrupt (murders in Chicago now less than a mile from Obama’s house), so they’ll fire their cops. Look for martial law for sure.
A military dictatorship is a possibility, soon. Those old boys at CIA, NSA, and the military aren’t going to put up with Commander-In-Chief Bugwit, for long.[/quote]
Murders in Chicago? OMG the world is coming to an end because such a thing has never happend in the peaceful windy city and it’s suburbs! LOL!! Fire CPD? please obviously you don’t know anything about that city and how things are run. You are one paranoid SOB, ease up on the weed man or you that determined to get up to 10,000 posts before the world ends?
I still don’t really get this. Where else should they be deployed? Iran?
[quote]Sloth wrote:
I still don’t really get this. Where else should they be deployed? Iran?[/quote]
The Mexican border would be nice.