Always check Bp 2-3 times. It usually lowers after the first time. Due to anxiety.
Hi all, I’m coming up on 1 year. TRT’s been pretty good overall in terms of results. I switched to Defy a few months ago, and it’s been way easier than the clinic I was wasting my time and money with.
I just got latest labs back and would greatly appreciate any input anyone has - particularly my free test and e2 levels / ratio.
Your TSH, they like to see it close to 1 on this forum.Your PSA also doubled. Was this tested fasting? I would remove your name from the lab.
2 is fine. TSH can range throughout the day.
Unable to read, even when I select. I cant zoom in for some reason.
The numbers don’t look bad at all from what I can see. Looks like you have it dialed in pretty close! The only red flag (well maybe orange flag) that stood out to me (and I’m very ignorant mind you) is the glucose levels. Keep an eye on that.
Have you tried a magnesium and zinc supplement to try and help lower your SHBG a little? It’s really not that bad so the most important question at this point would be…
How are you feeling?
Guys - I have some labs from late last year attached, and I’m going in for my regular 6 month labs today. The labs attached to this post were at peak, and today I’ll be getting labs drawn at trough.
Unfortunately I am getting really concerned about my blood pressure and pulse. I probably have to lower my dose. Which sucks cause I don’t think my free T is all that great even with a very high TT.
- Blood Pressure: my BP is hovering between 150/80 and 145/72. That’s got me totally freaked out.
- Pulse: it’s gone to upper 50’s. OK for some people but I maintain a low 40’s typically.
I don’t care about my BP numbers in the abstract or for vanity. My concern is that i can really feel the high BP (blood rushing in my head, lightheaded). I haven’t worked out for 2 weeks, frankly I am afraid to with my BP and pulse like this. Worried I might have a heart attack or aneurysm or something.
I have no idea what to do. Feeling super panicked. Really freaked out.
I’m on 180mg/week test cyp per what Defy is telling me but I am gonna have to reduce my dose and see if that helps. I guess that’s my only option.
High estrogen is the reason for BP issues when speaking for myself, if elevated or high for you, you could bring it down is easy, break up your injections into smaller ones will do the trick. T-cyp tends to spike testosterone and estrogen in a unique way, these large injections are more than likely are the cause of slight BP issues.
Injecting twice weekly and maybe reducing dosage 10-15%, I’m fairly certain will fix your BP issues and more tightly control and lower estrogen which I believe is your issue.
Are those the only labs you have? GFR, TSH, free T4 and CBC are all that are showing.
Whoops messed up the upload and cut off a few pages. Here they are:
These were just from my GP too, the labs I’ll get today will be more in depth.
Thanks, this is something I’m hopeful about. I don’t take an AI. My e2 has gone a bit high in the past.
I wasn’t clear in my post too - I am doing e3.5d protocol.
Thanks for the comment - I’m hoping I can get this under control. It’s keeping me from working out, which is one of the main things that keeps me sane.
Your results are pretty much what I expected, Total T >1000. An easy fix, but note levels will need another 6 weeks to become stable again since your changing your dosage, so you may or may not notice less strength in the gym.
Try different ester like grape seed oil. I read many guys do that with bp
I’ve read a few comments about that too. I think Defy has other compounds available, but I think they’re quite expensive. I forget if I’m doing a linseed or grapseed one. I know this has a BP impact in some people.
Yeah after I get these new labs back I’ll see where my e2 is and possibly lower my dose too. I just wanted to keep TT high since my SHBG is relatively high which impacts my free T.
Your Free T is above ranges, even in the high normal ranges is healthy, higher SHBG is healthier as long as Free T is high normal. Your SHBG isn’t much of a problem anymore, Free T should be your guide.
I guess I gotta reduce my dose.
This is a good lesson I guess. You can’t cruise on high test for a long time and not expect some side effects. I am (or was) super healthy. Defy kept urging me to up my dose despite my concerns about BP.
I had thought that finding Defy after dealing with a crappy clinic for a while, that things would be easy and fine as long as I did what Defy recommended. Guess that’s not the case - I still need to be super on top of this stuff myself, and if my BP is trending higher, not keep increasing my test dose.
You can also try going to scrotum cream. Maybe try subq or IM. I hope it’s the oils and a simple
Just find a local compound pharmacy and ask defy to cut you a script and they will.
Currently doing IM injections. Not sure if you’re serious about the cream - is that something that anyone really recommends / uses anymore? That’s a good idea about asking Defy to work with a local pharmacy. It’s annoying to have them send my scrip to one of their pharmacies that’s on the other side of the country only to have it sent back here.