[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
To me, that video shows how poorly trained those US soldiers are, ‘seeing’ guns that don’t exist and shooting kids isn’t professional. [/quote]
What are you talking about? U.S. Soldiers are some of the best trained out there. When I saw the video for the first time without knowing any of the details, two things I noticed…
When the guy with the camera was kneeling around the building, it looked to me EXACTLY like an RPG was about to be fired. You can tell the Soldier thought this too by the urgency in his voice as they became blocked by the building as they panned around.
I did not see any kids the first time I saw the video, and neither did those talking in the video. You see some other person in the passenger seat in the van when it is zoomed in, but no one would be able to tell if that was a kid, and it was ZOOMED in. The Soldiers were not watching this video feedback zoomed in on the passenger seat window.
The Iraqi men driving the truck were stupid to bring their kids anywhere near that area after 8 guys just got blasted.[/quote]
Maybe the people in the truck were going to try to save someone’s life, but who knows.
I guess the moral of the story is that if you want to justify murder, all you have to do is:
declare war on a country>invade>shoot anyone that has something that might resemble a weapon.
I don’t get why the Iraqis just don’t give up while a foreign country is occupying them, that’s what you would do, isn’t it?
[quote]DBCooper wrote:
[quote]MattyG35 wrote:
Guess its like South Park, when Jimbo and Ned Gerblansky take the kids hunting, and for it to be a legal shot they simply have to yell ‘It’s coming right for us!!’
To me, that video shows how poorly trained those US soldiers are, ‘seeing’ guns that don’t exist and shooting kids isn’t professional.
Would you call the people that died on 9/11 or 7/7 casualties? I don’t think so.
For those that argue about ‘clean’ shoot, I suggest you put yourself in an Iraqi civilians shoes for a day and see how much you enjoy it. :)[/quote]
Get the fuck out of here man. Our soldiers are the best in the world. Let’s throw you in some shithole desert halfway around the world and start blowing shit up around you everyday, blowing up your buddies, shooting at you from all over the place and see how you handle it.
This is a fucked up war, doomed from the start. But it is NOT because of the shortcomings of our troops. War is fucked up, period. And anyone who would try to glorify it or blame some of the tragedy that occurs during it (such as killing civilians) simply doesn’t have a grasp on reality. My cousin is a SEAL in Afghanistan; I’d like to hear you tell him how poorly trained he is. Even he has a “questionable” kill under his belt due to the stress of war and he’s a Professional Bad Ass, literally. The absolute elite of the elite, but even he isn’t infallible.
You probably couldn’t even play Gears of War in the comfort of your home without dropping the controller every ten seconds if I was throwing tiny little bottle rockets at you the whole time. What do you think real war is like? Knowingly killing unarmed people like in My Lai or something along those lines is one thing, but killing a civilian in the midst of a heated battle is entirely different. If you want to know how crazy war can get, read Jon Krakauer’s latest book, “Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman”. You’ll understand why the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is totally fucked and why it has nothing to do with our soldiers.[/quote]
Maybe your country should get the fuck out of places it doesn’t belong, and we wouldn’t be having this discussion, but that wouldn’t be very profitable for those interested.[/quote]
You’re right, we should get the fuck out places we don’t belong. And we don’t belong in Iraq. But what does this have to do with people who slam our soldiers and their actions in war? What are they supposed to do, sign up to fight those who attacked us on 9/11 and then refuse to serve in Iraq while their buddies are over there getting killed? Trust me, there are a lot of soldiers in Iraq who are against us being there, but voicing that opposition isn’t their job. They are soldiers, they do what they are told and all of their anti-Iraq War sentiments go right out the window when the bullets start flying. Then it’s all about survival, nothing else.
And by the way, what magnanimous country are you from?