(p)Resident Bush submitted a $2.77 trillion budget plan to Congress today that calls for cutting the growth of Medicare and putting tight limits on most spending not related to national security.
$2,770,000,000,000.00 !!! Many of us wouldn’t probably get to see half a million in this life-time!
Let’s see with cutting budget on healthcare and everything else that keeps our society functioning, where will be we at? I don’t even know how the average Americans would have to pay off the original $5 billions. And now they are talking about cutting back on healthcare budget and evaporated social security fund, what should a working-class American do?
The situation is:
There are bills to be paid off. The kids need college tuition fund. Medicare is as good as gone. Obviously, money needs to be saved up money for the retirement years. And that outrageous gas price is what made everything worse.
How should a working-class American take care of his/her family?? The job that he or she is holding now is not guaranteed. Everyday could be his/her last day employed, especially if you work for FORD or GM.
Let’s say he or she got fired. All of a sudden being in the military with all the promised benefits doesn’t sound all that bad at all.
Remember, there are soldiers dying everyday and Iraq is not the US last stop. Recruiting rates have dropped. Draft is at this point out of question. But we need our troops from somewhere so why not cutting back on benefits?
Believe me I’ve seen soldiers signed up for 4 more years just because they couldn’t find another opportunity outside the military that offers the same benefits.
Am I saying everyone should join the military? NO! Absolutely not. But we sure can start sending letters to congress about how DEMOCRACY works.
Democracy is a system where the population of a society controls the government. Democratic government aspires to serve under “the people” rather than ruling over them. But I don’t recall anyone asked me whether I approved the war or this $2.7 trillion to be given away.
Here is the link so you can read it for yourself.