22 years old
5’9 80kg
15% BF approx.
Deadlift 160kg x 5
Squat 130kg x 5
Bench 90kg x 5
Press 70kg x 5
Typical Diet
Eating every three hours & plenty of water
morning- porrige, fruit, 2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites and a protein shake
Snack- nuts, milk, fruit
Post workout
Whey with 6 eggs, followed by roasted potatoe with whole chicken or 1 kilo beef/lamb
Evening- Nuts, milk, tuna.
Before Bed- Casein protein
The Cycle
testoviron depot, 2 injections of 250mg a week Mon and Thu for 12 weeks.
Front load - dianabol at 30mg a day for 4 weeks.
PCT (2 weeks after last pin)
Clomid 150, 100, 50, 50
Nolvadex 20, 20, 20, 20
Other Supplements
L Glutamine
Multi vit
Vitamin C at 2g during cycle
Casein overnight
Fish Oil
I hate to say I am a ectomorph, I can get my middle finger above my thumb when measuring my wrist.
Anyways I have been training since 15 on and off, gained some muscle here and there (bloody genetics).
But I been training hard and consistent for over three years now. Did the Stronglifts Program for 16 weeks, (very good program) had some good strength gains. Switched to Wendler Program as weight increase slowed down to months rather than weeks.
Where I live people take steroids before they smoke lol can get any steroid without a problem, so no problem with sources. Hence I am ready according to many but…
Thats why am here…to ask you bros. I am open to criticism. Its simple, if I get the go ahead then oo yee baby here I come. If not then please tell me whats wrong and I will understand, respect and listen
P.S I am happy to hold water and prefer not to use HCG for first ever cycle. Gyno wont be a concern, however I am going to add proscar to prevent hairloss and use Nizoral 2% shampoo.
Thanks in advance bros