I am 26 years old, 9% bodyfat, 147lbs, and 5’4’'.
I have been training for 6 and a half years and I am doing my first bodybuilding competition at the end of November.
Basically, it all started a few weeks back when I was on some medication that decrease my libido. I have not fully recovered from that and decided if I’m going to get it to increase, perhaps its time to do my first cycle anyways. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Now I have a buddy who’s very knowledgeable running the show for my cycle, but I wanted opinions from you guys…
I am looking to increase libido, stay as dry as I can (hate the puffy look), and obviously increase strength too…
Should I just run a test ethanate, with hcg, and nolva as a PCT?..or what do you recommend based on my situation?..
I know this is my first post on here and that I am asking for specific help. I read the stickies and am familiar with cycles, but I think my needs are slightly different than the typical, “I want to get as big as possible!”…
I’m actually close to my ideal body composition, but being more vascular, striated, and maybe slight size increase, with libido increase is what I’m looking for…
Oh! and I take propecia as a DHT blocker for hairloss…(not sure if this makes a difference or not)…
Thanks in advance,