1mg Arimidex Per Day...Can this be Right?

Just started therapy yesterday, and the protocol doesn’t necessarily match the “the norm”

Current protocol:
Test Cyp 100mg per week
Arimidex 1mg tab per day.

I’ve already put it in my mind to drop to 1mg EOD or E3D.

My E2 is above range as it is, 1.9 (Range .5 - 1.6)

This dosage seems to be more along the lines of a breast cancer patient. Am I right, to drop to EOD, E3D, or should I drop even lower?

Save the extra adex and start by taking 0.5 mg of the adex twice per week with 50 mg test injection. If you are still going to Dr for one weekly 100 mg test injection, try taking the 1 mg of adex the same day as the injection ie once per week. Taking 1 mg of adex per day will crash your estrogen which even men need for healthy function, thoughts and emotions.

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:
Save the extra adex and start by taking 0.5 mg of the adex twice per week with 50 mg test injection. If you are still going to Dr for one weekly 100 mg test injection, try taking the 1 mg of adex the same day as the injection ie once per week. Taking 1 mg of adex per day will crash your estrogen which even men need for healthy function, thoughts and emotions.[/quote]


I inject at home, and the tabs are too small to chop in half.

Looks like I might have to go by trial and error for a bit on the E2D and E3D.

We are checking my E2 again in 2 weeks, so I’m not overly concerned yet.

Do not take more than 1mg Arimidex/anastrozole per WEEK.

You can cut the pills in half.

Inject 50mg T twice a week and take 1/2mg at time of injection.

See these stickies:

  • advice for new guys
  • protocol for injections

I cut my pills into quarters, using a pill cutter. You can get one at the pharmacy.

initially, about a month ago, i started arimidex 1mg per day for a few days. after the 3rd day, i felt extremely fatigued with a severe headache. i can only speculate, but i am guessing my estrogen levels may have went down too low- as those symptoms are associated with low estrogen. i then switched to .25mg every day, but wasn’t noticing an improvement. so i stopped for one full day and began taking arimidex .5 every other day, which has improved my symptoms and erections especially.

fyi, i am on clomid not t injections and i started at 265pmol/l or 72.54 pg/ml. according to ksman, anastrozole cannot block estrogen produced by the testes, so perhaps its harder to control arimidex on clomid with hypogonadism then with the injections?

Wow, that is an insane amount. Most people do not realize how powerful the stuff is and that men NEED estrogen.
I did .75mg per week for 3 weeks before I had my bloodwork done. Wow, my estrogen which was about 27 previously was down to 3! No energy, down mood, stiff and sore joints. Mess.
Would recommend get a pill cutter and cut them into 4 parts. It is not perfect but take a 1/4 tab a week to start. If your estrogen is really high maybe two 1/4 tabs spread out throughout the week.