i recently came of my first cycle and just finished my nova and clomid. I ran 13 weeks of Test E 500 mg with a freind of mine who has cycled before. The only real side effect i got was acne on my back. I’m 6’3 220 at the start of my cycle with no abs now i’m 217 with a visible abs. i would estimate my bf% around 12 percent right now and getting leaner. I went up to 237 while on the cycle. Overall i think it was a successful cycle going in i could only bench 225 2x7, 1x6 reps now i can hit it 2x10,1x9.
I am wondering if taking test at my age can hurt me down the road. A lot of guys in my gym stay on it year round claiming there are no effects and advise me to do the same. They say test is naturally found in your system so i should cruise and drive. Never completly coming off just on a low dosage until the next cycle. At first i thought i would just do one cycle but i loved the results so much that i plan to do another one if i know its safe. I plan to do Test C a shot a week because i heard it stays in your system longer with 60 mg of Winstrol for 4-6 weeks. I have not decided if i want to run tren yet.
Is it alright to start stacking at my age? the youngest person i know that juices is 21 and he is on his 3rd cycle. i am really committed with the gym for the past year i have been addicted to going at least 6 days a week lifting and cardio. I plan to compete in physic because i am not big enough for bodybuiding yet. I am cycling with the same guy i did my first cycle with. I know i still have a lot of test found in me naturally but i am just curious Thanks for all of the advice i really appreciate it.