1800+ Raw Total And 800+ Deadlift Drug Free 181 Class

Did some back squat today and flat bench

Squats went 135x10, 225x10, 315x3, 425 x 8 sets of 3

Bench went 135x10, 225x10, 275x3, 315x2paused, 355x1 paused, 365x1 paused

Hit some pause front squats and some pause bench against a band today.

Squats went 135x5, 205x5, 265x3, 295x2, 325x2, 350x1

bench went
135x10, 225x9, 275x4, 315x2. Band tension I’m guessing to be close to 50lbs up top. Cause when I hit 390tng my band bench tng was 355

Just did 6 sets of 3 with 425 high bar for the most part cause my shoulder is bruised. And did some decline top two sets were 295x9, and 345x4
Nothing special today

Got a lot of sleep last night felt pretty good today.
Heavy front squat sets
135x10, 225x8, 295x3, 355x2

Close grip bench went
135x10, 225x10, 275x7, 315x3, 340x1

body weight is down a bit today 186

Dropped deadlift to 500x max reps. I wanted 12-14 but all the volume on squats lately killed me. I got 11 just barely missing 12.
And hit some bench today
Sets went 135x10, 225x8, 275x3, 315x6, 345x2(3 sec pause) 365x1 comp pause.

Today went ok. My back was a little beat up from the set of deads yesterday. But hit squats and heavy decline just nothing great

Squats went
135x8, 225x6, 315x3, 435x 6 sets of 3.

Decline went
135x12, 225x20, 295x4, 350x3, 375x1, 385x1

Question, it looks like you primarily use decline bench work as opposed to incline for a bench variation. Any particular reason, or just that is what you have found that works for you?

Second question, are you gaining any body weight doing all this volume?

Thank you and please keep posting because this is extremely impressive work.

Thanks I’m pushing hard for my comp in about 4 months.

I choose decline mostly since incline tends to give me shoulder problems so any time I do hit it. Its nothing maybe 225 for reps if that. And I decline helps me get used to handling heavier weight. I was up to 415 on decline so picking up 375+ on flat felt light still. I don’t really mention the lighter accessory work I do on here.

As for the bodyweight I have not gained much if any weight I normally sit just under 190. And to be honest my diet consists of take out 1-2 times a day. My cousin bodybuilds so I’m working with him to clean that up and hopefully shed a few lbs maybe 3-5 and keep gaining strength.

Will you wind up in the 198 class?
I’m anywhere between 179-185, and am hoping to be in the 181 in November, but i really love ice cream…

You ll have no problem cutting if you want to compete 181. I will probably end up 198-220 further down the road but for now im comfortable cutting. I went from 188 to 175.75 earlier in the year so I think if I can get up to a solid 193-194 itll be no problem cutting.

Hit some squats today up to 5 sets of 3 with 445, was going to do 6 but kept hitting the rack in the hole. I was at a different gym.

Bench was with a thicker thsn normal bar up to a long paused 345 and short pause 365

Nothing went that great today. I’ll put together a video clip but back burnt out on deads with 545 at 6. And just hit some paused band bench up to 315x2

Hit some front squats and decline today.
Front squats went
135x8, 225x8, 295x3, 345x1

decline went
135x10, 225x6, 295x4, 355x3, 375x1, 385x1

heres a clip from yesterday deadlfts and band bench.

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Some squats and close grip bench today.
Squats went
135x10, 225x8, 315x3, 405x1, 455 5 sets of 3.

Close grip was quick and light
135x10, 205x10, 295x3

Only front squatted today and kettle bell bench.
Front squats went
135x10, 225x8, 295x6, 345x2

kettle bell bench was
28kgs per side two sets of 8, then 32kgs for 3 sets of 10

Yesterday I hire the gym for a bit but didn’t get much sleep the night before. Did some heavy bench and paused close grip and so other accessory work.

Bench went 135x10, 225x8, 295x3, 335x2 with long pauses, 365x1 medium pause. And missed 375 paused

Paused Close grip was x135x15, 225x9, 245x6.

Hit some squats today and some decline bench

Squat sets went
135x10, 225x8, 315x3, 405x1, 465 for 5 sets of 3

Decline bench went.
135x10, 225x8, 295x4, 365x2, 385x1.

Had some stuff to get done yesterday so wasn’t able to lift but got in there today. Did some close grip bench and deadlift

Close grip bench went
135x10, 225x6, 275x3, 315x1, 340x1. Missed 350. Everything was very fast. Really thought I’d hit the 350 but missed right at lock out

Deads went pretty good. Warmed up for max reps with 575

135x10, 225x8, 315x3, 405x2, 495x1, 575x5

body weight is right at 188. Next week is going to be either fast doubles with 600 or possibly a triple with 605-610. I’ll decide as I get closer

paused Front squats and bench against a band today

Front squats went.
135x10, 225x8, 295x2 paused , 315x2 paused,. 325x2 paused

Band bench
135x10, 225x8, 295x4, 325x2

Hit squat today and some kettle bell bench

Squats did not want to move today.
Sets were
135x10, 225x8, 315x3, 405x1, 475 4 sets of 3

kettle bell bench was with 32kg per side. Done for sets of 10-12.

I will post a video maybe tomorrow