Age: 27
Height: 5’11
Waist: 31
Weight: 215
Describe body and facial hair: Fast growth on face, chest and genital area. Has darkened since starting TRT in June of 2015
Describe where you carry fat and how changed: Mid section, lower back and chest
Health conditions, symptoms [history]: Social anxiety and depression
Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever: Bupropion XL 150mg
Lab results with ranges:
11/10 (anti aging clinic):
Total T: 586
E2: 11.2
1/5 (endo):
Total T: 1014 ng/dl
TSH: 4.810 uIU/mL 2nd blood test: 1.590 uIU/mL (.350 - 3.000 uIU/mL)
T4: 1.05 ng/dl (.63 - 1.24 ng/dl)
PSA: .64 ng/mL (0.00 - 4.00 ng/mL)
Describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets]:
~2761 total calories, 259.1g protein 288.6g carbs 63g fat
Chicken, eggs, milk, banana, oats, wheat bread, pasta, whey and casein protein powder, fish oil, emergen-c, vitamin d3 9000iu per day
Describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training]:
Arnold’s intermediate training from his book
Mon/Wed/Fri: Chest, back, deadlifts, squats, hamstrings, calves and abs
Tues/Thurs/Sat: Shoulders, arms, forearms and abs
Testes ache, ever, with a fever?: Never, testes ache a little bit when beginning HCG
How have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed?
Lack of morning wood and nocturnal erections
My story:
In 2015, Mom suggested I go have my T checked. I was actually the leanest I’ve ever been in my life at this point. Probably around 8% bf around 180 or so. In great shape for a kid who had always been muscular but fat
I went to a anti-aging clinic and had my T checked. They said, get this, same day it was around 250. Not having done any research into TRT and testosterone before I naively agreed to a year of pellets. They also started me on HCG at 500iu x 2 weekly subq. Did HCG for most of the 1st year on pellets. Some more tests done during the first year on pellets:
4/27/16: ~950 T
6/2716: 476 T
I never saw any of these results and being a dumbass I didn’t ask to see them. Nor did I ask to see my E2 level
Now we are at mid 2016 and agreed to pay for another year of pellets with insertion on 6/29/16
8/31/16: 977 T
2 or 3 pellet extrusions
11/1/16: 586 T 11.2 E2
Started HCG at 500ui x 2 a week on 11/17/16 which lasted for 30 days.The clinic switched to a quarterly schedule for HCG. Is HCG quarterly a good idea?
Started with a new endo this month out of fear that the anti aging clinic has been lying. My endo thinks I should go off the TRT to find out my baseline T and E2 and go from there. He believes I might’ve never had T in the 250 range or low T in general
I’m leaning towards going off the TRT and checking to see my baseline is before making another move if I even have to. I feel great except for the morning wood issue and if I stay on, I will be doing shots instead of pellets. I see the anti aging clinic on Thursday to try and gather my lab results over the past year and a half and a blood draw
Any advice or input would be appreciated
Thank you