Hey, im 17 years old and i need some help. I made a bad mistake by listening to some know it all and i need some advice from some people that know what they are talking about. I just finished my first cycle and i was suppose to run 300mg of test E a week for 10 weeks followed by a pct. But in the middle of the cycle my friend who got me the roids got busted selling them and my pct was at his house and all that stuff got takin by the police, and i had no other way to get another pct.
And my other friend had an extra bottle of trenE and he told me to take that so i would have some more time to get a pct. So on week 6 of test i started 200mg of trenE a week for 10 weeks. Well i didnt find another pct, and even though i gained about 20lbs of muscle and my bench went from 265 to 350 i have lost most of it because i didnt have a pct. Its been 2 months since my last shot and my test is so low i dont even think about hooking up with girls and i still cant get a hard on and its been 2 months. Overall i just feel like crap and i dont even act the same. This is a very serious problem and i just want to get back to normal.
And i know im a rookie and i know im too young but i know alot more about this stuff now then i did before i messed up so dont make fun of me too bad. I just really need a solution because its not fun when your wiener doesnt work and your a senior in high school. I appreciate any advice yall are willing to give, im starting to worry that i messed up something permanently
Go and see a doctor. You are a minor. No one here should be giving you advice involving illegal drugs, nor should you expect them to. Get bloodwork including prolactin levels and work with your doc.
Go get bloodwork. Get your test, estrogen, LH, FSH, and prolactin checked. One option is You can go to privatemdlabs and just buy the labs there and go to a labcorp without having to go see your doctor. Get the female hormone panel plus a prolactin lab. Or go to your main doctor, but they may not do it because your age or question you.
You could get your hands on some nolva and try a pct.
As everyone else has said you need to get the doctor. I know you don’t want to do that but what did was pretty bad. Going to the doctor is really your only course of action to (hopefully) get this fixed. I hope for your sake that you are able to recover and get back to normal. While you really messed up I do feel for you. I hope this lesson doesn’t come too expensive of a cost.
[quote]DoctorJekyll wrote:
Get some research chem nolva & clomid. I know sure as shit if i told my doc i fucked myself up he would say tough titties…[/quote]
[quote]DoctorJekyll wrote:
Get some research chem nolva & clomid. I know sure as shit if i told my doc i fucked myself up he would say tough titties…[/quote]
lol what kind of doctor are you going to? Would he do the same if you broke your arm?