14 Year Old Weighs 555 Lbs.

Shocking. Absolutely blatant child abuse. Being a parent should require some kind of license.

[quote]PJ84 wrote:
Shocking. Absolutely blatant child abuse. Being a parent should require some kind of license.[/quote]

No. It should require some fucking common sense.


[quote]Bicep_craze wrote:
No. It should require some fucking common sense.

True, it should.

[quote]PJ84 wrote:
Shocking. Absolutely blatant child abuse. Being a parent should require some kind of license.[/quote]

Not to defend the parent, but the kid is also to blame. Unless this kid has mental problems, he had to have figured out at some point that this wasn’t good for him, but kept on eating anyway.

[quote]MaximusB wrote:
I cannot even fathom how a child could eat that much to make it to 555. That is an average of a 40 lb weight gain per year, of course he didn’t eat this much during his earlier years. If the kid should be able to lose the weight with diet, surgery, etc, all the loose skin and mental trauma will be another animal. Just sad.[/quote]

It doesn’t take a huge caloric surplus to add fat that rapidly.

But it sure as hell does take a surplus, and sure as hell does require continuing to overfeed the kid’s face after he already obviously has gotten too fat.

Not that it’s remotely as bad a case, but my ex-fiancee’s kid has had and continues to have some overfatness problems. It’s unnecessary. He has never had the slightest bit of bad attitude, whininess, or objection to losing fat when he’s been encouraged to do it. Doesn’t complain about being hungry – doesn’t seem to particularly be hungry even when losing fat at a fast clip – it’s just purely a question of decision as to whether to be at a given weight or not, or to let it go higher yet.

Can’t remember the exact age, but when he was probably 9 (this was while we were still together) he had actually trimmed up pretty well and probably had dipped into the mid-teens for percent bodyfat as a guess. At about 94 lb – he’s tall for his age.

Then he put on over 30 lb in maybe 3 months. (She was not bringing him over to my house very much at that time or otherwise having me see him much and so the influence I usually had was not there.)

Interesting thing was what happened to him medically from this, or most likely from this.

He fell and bruised a bone in his wrist. Didn’t break the skin.

Came down with a bone infection that required surgery and hospitalization for about a week.

That’s a freak kind of thing. But extremely rapid weight gain is known to compromise the immune system.

These days, at age 14, he’s probably about 250, at just under 6 feet. And no it’s not muscular. He would probably be 160 if in reasonably athletic shape. Not ripped, just reasonable. So call it 90 lb overfat.

Entirely unnecessary. As simple a thing as deciding to stop buying him ever-larger pants, drawing the line at say size 34, back when he was 11 and could still wear them, albeit starting to get tight, instead of deciding to go buy him size 36. He would have had no problem holding the line at size 34, and if he were that at his current height, he’d be in reasonable shape today, painlessly.

As for the 555 lb kid, why didn’t the mother find a line SOMEWHERE? For example, that maybe passing 300 lb was going too far, let’s hold the line there?


[quote]Eielson wrote:
abcd1234 wrote:
Stuntman Mike wrote:
God damn. I bet that fat fuck has amazing calves.


You have to be able to walk first before you have big calves. Cankles don’t count as big calves.

Dude, just shut up. I bet you’re some 120 pound skinny-fat geek who sits behind his computer and cuts down everybody who works hard.[/quote]

haha. brilliant.

[quote]Eielson wrote:
PJ84 wrote:
Shocking. Absolutely blatant child abuse. Being a parent should require some kind of license.

Not to defend the parent, but the kid is also to blame. Unless this kid has mental problems, he had to have figured out at some point that this wasn’t good for him, but kept on eating anyway.[/quote]

I don’t quite agree.
He’s 14, he can barely tie his own shoelaces (in this case literally). His problems probably started a few years ago, meaning he started getting fat when he was say, 10 maybe. Don’t know about you, but I was a serious dumbfuck at that age. I also knew next to nothing about nutrition, or exercise, since I had yet to ‘discover’ either. Hell the only reason I didn’t eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner was because my mom never let me.

Most kids don’t have the knowledge or discipline to watch their weight and health, mostly comes down to being ignorant about those matters.

His parents are idiots. Sucks for him I guess.

isn’t 555 an area code or something?

He’s big enough for his own area code.

[quote]J.Wollmann wrote:
He’s big enough for his own area code.[/quote]

Oh contraire. You mean TWO areacodes.

Domino’s should hire this kid to be the spokesman for their 555 deal.

[quote]riverhawk23 wrote:
Domino’s should hire this kid to be the spokesman for their 555 deal.[/quote]

So when the kid goes and gains 111 lbs in the next year, are we gonna have to pay extra for pizza?

Fuck that dude, I’m not letting this fat kid raise my pizza costs.

shut the fuck up you haters. leave the kid alone.

he is bulking.

Man this sucks shit. I guess my post workout shakes don’t have enough in them because I am not seeing gains like this kid. Maybe I should toss a couple new yorker style pizzas in there and a few scoops of ice cream.

[quote]Eielson wrote:
Not to defend the parent, but the kid is also to blame. Unless this kid has mental problems, he had to have figured out at some point that this wasn’t good for him, but kept on eating anyway.[/quote]

I can see what you’re saying, but I can’t remember having much of a concept of personal responsibility at age 14. It’s probably fair to guess the same is true for this kid and that being the case, the responsibility falls on the mother (or whoever is raising the kid) to make sure that kid is safe and well, which clearly hasn’t happened.

BBB hits the nail on the head IMO.

I wonder does the parent even realise how much shorter her kids lifespan will be at that size. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got serious type II diabetes within the next year.

I hope this court case sets a precedent and we start seeing more of these cases popping up. Maybe then these parents would realise you shouldn’t let your kid become grossly obese.

O.O 14 years old and 555… took me 18 years to get to 300! What supps is he taking?!

I think the parents get some kind of sick satisfaction out of feeding their kids excessively. That’s the only thing that makes any sense to me.

I went to a walmart today and there was this couple with two extremely fat little girls. Dad looked average, about 5 months pregnant which seems to be average for men anymore and mom was really thin. The little girls were about 4 and 6 and just fat little things with big round faces and a rice krispy treat clutched in each of their fat little fists.

Apparently, they couldn’t wait to get home so mom had opened the box and given them each TWO snacks. The mom smiled at me as I passed and I actually grimaced at her. I didn’t mean to but I couldn’t help it. I looked at her kids, looked at her, and then gave her a disgusted look. I really can’t understand this shit.