Uganda should have tried to keep this on the DL. Because now it sounds like it’s time to bring them some democracy.
Too late!
Ruthless commies already got there.
Do you bros think I can make the best seller list with a contemporary “Heart Of Darkness” reboot/rip off book?
I wonder if this is related to my unexpected offer of millions of dollars from the exiled Duke of East Untu Wuntu.
I should probably email him back.
Who be they? That doesn’t mean it’s over for the west. They will claim some human rights violations, while wanting to do the same thing. If you have some natural resources and want to keep them in your country, better not let anyone know. If the west finds out, they will overthrow your democratically elected leader and install a puppet. Think Zelinski and Ukraine,. All for the profits of those wholesome corporations.
Lay off the soy… Good grief you’re one miserable human
Lay off the propaganda. You like to live in a world of make-believe. I live in reality, no matter how painful it might be.
Now the East will get a chance to mess around in Africa.
I read that the Ugandans got some Chinese company to supervise the gold situation.
Did they choose this company or was it forced on them?
So not only do you expect other people to go to our jobs, make all of the crap you need, store it, transport it, not to mention learn how to treat diseases and wounds and then do this for you without a penny from you, etc…
We’re also supposed to read the news for you now? About the subject of your thread?
I wouldn’t call the info. you get news. It is propaganda! After decades of this you have been thoroughly indoctrinated as evidenced by the content of your posts.
What would you recommend I do to remedy this condition?
Look for and listen to independent news. Nothing owned by corporations. Keep your eyes, ears and mind always open. Eventually you will begin to see.
See what?
The media lies at the behest of their owners and those in the same class. It’s always the same.
I see.
Knowing what you know, how would you go about finding out if the Chinese mining company was chosen by the Ugandan people or forced on them?
To see that only he is wise to the ways of the world… Like fUcK cOoPeRaTiOnS dEeEeD
If the mainstream says something. It is more often than not, a lie. I have not seen anything about this issue, beyond the discovery of the commodity, from an independent news source. Will be on the lookout though.
Anyone can get wise to the propaganda, disguised as news, with some reading on the subject. If corporations are doing this, what do you say?
That’s good to hear. If you come across some good information you should share it here.