Being totally ignorant in all things TRT, my Endocrinologist has succumbed to prescribing Cypionate, after about 12 months of messing around with Testogel and Mesterolone being as my SHBG was initially about 195 it has come down to 134, but still very high. That aside my question is this he has prescribed 3 x 10ml vial’s 200mg/1ml, my question is on a dosage of 150mg per week, how long is that likely to last?
If you mean how long until he changes the dose, impossible to say.
Three vials of 2000mg of testosterone each, at 150mg a week, will last 40 weeks.
Thanks for the information, much appreciated, again excuse the ignorance, but what is the formula to work that out?
Actually forget that, I’ve got it! What an idiot