1.5 years on TRT, no libido

Hey all

I started TRT at 31 years old. I lost my libido and all energy / will to live pretty suddenly around 28-29 and it never came back despite making lifestyle changes. After living like this for around two years I got my testosterone checked and I was 140ng/dL. Several repeat tests over the next few months were all about the same, highest was around 180ng/dL.

Ruled all the dangerous stuff out, got in with a top uro who started me on TRT at 100mg/week Subq. From basically the first week I felt amazing, energy, confidence, ability to handle stress, literally everything in my life improved, except my libido never came back.

Since then I’ve tried every protocol manipulation imaginable with absolutely no luck. It’s not even that my libido is bad, it’s literally non existent. I can 100% always do the deed with my wife with physical stimulation but the desire for her, or any woman is completely gone. I had unmanageably annoyingly high libido for most of my adult life. I just can’t figure it out and I’m starting to get really frustrated.

I’m 6’1, currently around 255 lbs but lifting most of my adult life. I am frequently asked if I use gear, not sure about body fat % but I’m 34-36 pant size.

The initial 100mg/week brought my total T to 400ng/dL. SHBG was previously around 20, after starting TRT it’s been mostly in the 8-15 range.

Here are some of the things I’ve tried since then:

-split dose to 50mg 2x/week

-increased to 120mg/week into two doses (this brought my total T to the mid 400s)

-120mg/week split into three doses

-trialed cabergoline 0.5mg 2x/weekly at the advice of my urologist (prolactin was in range, but I was told it still could potentially help)

-stopped cabergoline after 6 months because it didn’t help

-trialed daily injections, around 18mg daily (brought total T to 800ng/dL, SHBG around 15, e2 in the 45-50 range)

-got a second opinion from another doctor

-120mg / week split two doses PLUS Hcg 500 IU MWF (this had my total T at 700ng/dL, e2 around 50-55) - I also got my wife pregnant on this protocol

-switched to IM injections

-stopped taking Hcg

-tried a combo of subq/IM injections

-went back to once a week dosing

-increased to 150mg / week - at this dose I started crying about everything and had sensitive nips

-started Anastrazole 0.5mg 2x/ week which gave me terrible back pain and anxiety

-reduced to 0.25mg anastrazole 2x/week

-tried DIM and calcium D glucarate at multiple doses

-trialed P5P

-supplemented 25mg DHEA and 10mg pregnenolone daily

-5mg daily tadalafil

All of this, and not a single thing has helped even a little. My libido throughout all of this has literally been worse than it was before I got on TRT.

I feel so much better than I did two years ago. I am so much healthier, I got insanely jacked, I am stronger, in better shape, less stressed, more emotionally stable. Everything is better except for the one thing that I actually started TRt hoping to improve.

So currently on 150mg IM injections on Thursdays, I take 0.25 mg anastrazole on Friday and Tuesdays. I have a follow up appointment on this dose, and I’m pretty sure all my labs are gonna be in range, at which point I will be pretty much out of ideas.

The only other thing I’ve come across in my research is that some guys have more luck with shorter esters like Test P in terms of libido. Seems like a long shot to me.

I’m young and married, I just want to have a normal sex life. Can anyone offer me any advice here?


Yeah sounds like PFS, same as me. Zero libido.

Have you tried DHT derivatives like proviron, masteron, primo, etc?

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What’s PFS?

I have not, I have considered but my HDL kind of sucks already so I’m a little freaked out to use Proviron and I can’t really find any good research on doing anything else long term.

I don’t feel great about taking UGL primo forever. Would maybe try DHT cream but seems just about impossible to get in the US.

Have you had any luck with any of these things?

I’m 52 and went on trt 2 years ago after my wife and I got the covid shot my test went to 464 on the 300-1100 scale and my wife never got her period again. TRT brought my libido up, but not quite pre-shot level. I added one 25mg Proviron capsule/day and it shot right up. I go 2 months on/1 month off and take fish oil and broccoli sprout capsules to help with the LDL. When I know we have a sexy weekend planned, I pin some PT-141 and it’s like Cialis for the brain! Hope that helps.

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Has proviron tanked your SHBG? My LDL is ok but my HDL tends to hover around 45 so I’m definitely weary of taking something that might lower it even more

I got my bloods last January (every January) and it was just above the min in healthy range and the LDL was just below max in the healthy range. I take cardarine for 2 months every year and that stuff helps out hdl/ldl. I also take an otc AI called Letrone, not sure what effect that’s having on SHBGs, but I feel really good most of the time. Last year I did a mini blast where I doubled my trt to 250mg/week and took 25mg of Proviron 2x/day with the cardarine. I felt great the whole time, but I only did it for 2 months to get back in shape. Proviron will kick in MPB if you’re prone to it, I’m a head shaver, so I didn’t care about that, lol. Maybe just try some pt-141, I found out about it from an interview with Suzanne Summers of all people. She was in her late 70’s at the time and her husband was 80 or so and she said it kept them active in the sack (gross, but a strong endorsement, lol)