Xbox 360 - Ninja Gaiden 2 for $9.99

BestBuy is advertising Ninja Gaiden 2 for $9.99 currently.

Great deal for a great game.

Damn! At that price I might as well pick it up. Thanks for the heads up.

Vader, you should pick it up!! Ninja Gaiden 2 is a steal for $9.99.

its very buggy, but its very fun

Well, I was going to get this, but shipping isn’t available and it isn’t in stock at any of the stores near me. Oh well.

Get it and beat it on Mentor or higher. If you don’t, you can’t say you actually beat it! :smiley: Definitely one of the most underrated games on the 360.

And just a tip, learn to block.

Anyway, great game. I know we also got Bad Company and Condemned 2 for 19.99 a piece.