You could possibly be hunted the rest of your life (Rushdi-style). Your family could be tortured and killed, and you be forced to watch. Your neighbors and friends will run from you like you have the Black Plague for fear of your hunters. Your boss will fire out of fear.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
You could possibly be hunted the rest of your life (Rushdi-style). Your family could be tortured and killed, and you be forced to watch. Your neighbors and friends will run from you like you have the Black Plague for fear of your hunters. Your boss will fire out of fear.
Would you be on the jury?[/quote]
Fuck Yes. I would would sentence him to a life time of of being the bitch to the worst sodomites known to man. See he believes rape is the victims fault and that further it would damn him to hell. I don’t know about islam in general, but the more extreme versions have touted this philosophy. Rather than “martyr” him, let him get ass raped daily and live to get ass raped daily. He’ll get to suffer daily, provide a needed service to other prisoners, and be condemned to hell too, it’s a win-win.
These islamic terrorists hate us anyway, it’s not like we can piss them off more. Fuck 'em.
Besides, we can always take over another country.
Nah. Military tribunals are just an excuse to not do unto others as you’d have done on yourself.
Obviously Khalid would have helped mastermind an attack in which 3,000 of his own friends, family, and countrymen would die so we should definitely extend him the courtesy of “doing unto others”.