Why Does the National Debt Keep Increasing?

Did both grandparents work? I couldn’t share a car with my wife since we both work in different cities in opposite directions.

Cable is not a need but for some a cell phone is necessary for work.

People need the internet.

We could also look at housing prices today vs 50 years ago.

No, on both sides only grandpas worked.

I am not saying that things are the same difficulty. Just that perhaps some people make their lives difficult because they are not good with money. We see this with high income earners too.

There won’t be no revolution even if things got 10 times worse than they currently are, all they have to do is keep the food supply and the pleasures and the entertainment in check and people will just adapt to the situation, people simply aren’t the same anymore as they once were. Dignity and honor no longer exist in our society.

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When did it ever?

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Hey now, coffee is my vice! Well, that and whiskey. I resemble that remark…

Yeah I agree with what you said, I was just thinking that some people might take an obvious generalization and then run with it :roll_eyes:

Perhaps in modern times yes. But remember the Golden rule of historical readings… Look through the lens of their times not ours. The parable is indeed trying to make a different point in any case. I’d say one of the main points isn’t the actual amount of money made by the servants, it’s the fact that most of them used their talents in the capacity they had to be faithful and the 3rd didn’t. There’s some subtext happening there that isn’t easily read from modern perspective.

But that’s a detail anyway.

When prices were lower and you could own someone to work for you. That’s when those words used to mean something. Now you’ve got rock music and people drinking out of the same water fountain and other hippy bullshit.

This is how you get rid of hippy bullshit. Technohead - I Wanna Be A Hippy (Flamman & Abraxas Radio Mix) - YouTube :wink:


Just keep printing the cash, no one will notice.