Who the Hell Is This Chick?

[quote]Matgic wrote:
Maybe she’ll let you shave her facial hair as well.[/quote]

Don’t be so quick to presume this guy doesn’t like facial hair.

[quote]TestOnly wrote:
^ Here’s some nice legs for the chickenlegged homophobes. If U got better/stronger legs then put up or SHUT UP! yea…that’s what I though… [/quote]

I hate to say it but I do have nicer/stronger legs than that.

And he’s still nasty.

I would not go near her when she is sexually frustrated.

Maybe so. She probably NATURALLY has a higher test level than any amount ur body stand up injected into it. Women’s bone structure just lends itself to much more athetically pleasing legs than men’s. Seems like they are a helluva lot stronger than most if ALL posters on this thread.

[quote]TestOnly wrote:
^ Here’s some nice legs for the chickenlegged homophobes. If U got better/stronger legs then put up or SHUT UP! yea…that’s what I though… [/quote]

I think this example is worlds apart from the first “girl”. Example number one is a freak show, IMO. The second example of sexy legs…that’s a different story. She holds her overall female appearance. She is no where near the size and IMO ugliness of the first chick! To one each his own though!


[quote]Tank53 wrote:
TestOnly wrote:
^ Here’s some nice legs for the chickenlegged homophobes. If U got better/stronger legs then put up or SHUT UP! yea…that’s what I though…

I hate to say it but I do have nicer/stronger legs than that.

And he’s still nasty. [/quote]

…yea I can tell from ur pic…


That’s Gold Coast , Australia Bodybuilder Christine Envall.

Here is her site:


[quote]TestOnly wrote:
Sexually attractive legs are somewhat of an androgenous thing, relatively speaking. That being said there is NO mistaking those fine fem gams for anything slightly male. How anyone could find (looks like alot here) some bony assed chick w/ no calves, no quads, no butt, no hams is beyond me???

That chick can no doubt squat/sldl more than any homophobe posting a response in this thread. And weigh 65lbs less while doin it. What I wouldn’t give to do some serious high reppers w/ her. [/quote]

Dude, I seriously think you should consider the possibility that you’d be happier with a bag of dicks than a bag of tricks. And I doubt Becca can bench 405x10 raw…if I’m wrong, my apologies to Becca.

Christine Envall…

So Disturbing…I had to share:

I wonder how long it took that guy to grow his hair out?


Like Austin Powers said…“that’s a man, baby, yeah!”

Thanks bro. The thread which stated “each his own” is right. Gay??? Not hardly. As I stated before bony assed chicken legged little girls do nothing sexually for me. I like REAL women. Granted the not so attractive chick is at the extreme end of what I would nail it’s still very nailable.

From the waist down a woman, in my opinoin, can get as massive/large as her genetics allow and it would only attract me more. From the waist up it’s almost equally repelling. A man w/ different tastes than me doesn’t make him gay. It’s so funny how “some” people’s closeted insecurties surface when a different viewpoint is presented.

[quote]TestOnly wrote:
No man is gonna have a feminine shape like that, the calves especially. U must not have much experience shaving women’s legs (they LUV it trust me). I’d much rather date a chick w/ as U put “work ethic” as she does than some bony, weak, little girl. Work ethic seems to be a popular phrase these days espoused by supposed men who are built like shit and couldn’t knock reps w/ 3x they’re bodyweight to save they’re pointless lives. Usually these guys are driven by jealousy becuz they’re physically repulsive and don’t have the $$ or the kohonas to do a damn thing about it.[/quote]

A girl can work damn hard and have a smokin body…and she’d look nothing like that. She’d be tight, hard, firm with some nice curves and appropriately sized body parts…

[quote]TestOnly wrote:
Thanks bro. The thread which stated “each his own” is right. Gay??? Not hardly. As I stated before bony assed chicken legged little girls do nothing sexually for me. I like REAL women. Granted the not so attractive chick is at the extreme end of what I would nail it’s still very nailable.

From the waist down a woman, in my opinoin, can get as massive/large as her genetics allow and it would only attract me more. From the waist up it’s almost equally repelling. A man w/ different tastes than me doesn’t make him gay. It’s so funny how “some” people’s closeted insecurties surface when a different viewpoint is presented. [/quote]

I didn’t mean to accuse of being gay. But for the life of me I can’t understand how broad, striated shoulders, big bulky legs, a broad back, and big defined arms makes a woman more attractive. Having solid muscle is one thing. (I am not a big fan of skinny-fat). But a complete distortion of body shape is another…

I think it’s time for TSB!

[quote]TestOnly wrote:
^ Here’s some nice legs for the chickenlegged homophobes. If U got better/stronger legs then put up or SHUT UP! yea…that’s what I though… [/quote]

Hmmm, now he wants muscular men to post pictures of their legs…“If U got better/stronger legs then put up or SHUT UP!”

Okay, you’re not gay. That’s fine. Hell, it’s fine if you are (touchy subject I see). No one cares. Nobody’s saying she doesn’t have strong powerful lookin legs.

I’m saying that her legs look like a muscular man’s legs, and she’s not physically attractive to me. She’s asthetically pleasing to my eye just like a male bodybuilder is. She inspires me to train hard, she doesn’t give me a hard on.

I don’t want a woman who looks like me, or who looks like what I strive to look like. But yea, to each his own.

[quote]rsg wrote:
I think it’s time for TSB![/quote]


Gross. Unattractive. Ew.

I’ve never seen that dude before.

This turns you on???!!!

My opinion is the more muscle a woman has on her body… the better. Whether that makes her massive or not, it’s a relative thing. I’ve seen some women who were 200l lbs at 5’9 w/ average BF levels and 18" calves who are simply incredible and major turn on to look at.

I noticed the Mr O wannabe never posted his Platz like legs which he boasts as being supposedly…better???

No, it wouldn’t sexually turn me on…hello it’s a freakin dude… It would prove whether his legs were better than the massive gams chick…IWO he ain’t got anything which would come close the fugly but massive chick. If has my choice of any of the women I posted in would haved to the “mouth watering” chick posted above . Those calves are massive along w/ pretty decent (altho a little thin) legs.