Hi, There are so many good expert here on T-Nation but everyone is good at their own thing or specialization.
What I mean is Chad’s book seems more oriented for bodybuilding or Eric Crassey more oriented for powerlift and stuff…maybe I am wrong…by all means correct me. I don’t mean any disrespect and don’t want to categorize them like this, but everyone has an area in which they excel. So what I want to know is which coach would be the best for training for mixmartial art do you think? Who’s book should I buy?
I am a beginner and I would like to had mass but mostly gain agility, speed, strength and endurance (no particular oder). Who do you think is better in this area?
Find the best mixed martial arts trainer in your area and train under his tutelage. A good instructor in person is worth more than any manual or book.
Otherwise, if you’re just a beginner as you say, I’d hold off a bit on buying any books until you’ve done a serious amount of reading and researching the free articles here and places like elitefts.com and Kelly Bagget’s site (there are others, seek them out).
Also, there is no ‘ONE’ coach. If you progress far enough, you’ll eventually understand this.
Good luck!
Well, actually I am more an intermediate, I know enough to know that I don’t know much.
what I meant to say was that I was trap in a beginner’s body! I was sick for a while and my health and fitness went downhill so I am looking to go back up just want to know the best way to do it.
[quote]neoplasme wrote:
Well, actually I am more an intermediate, I know enough to know that I don’t know much.
what I meant to say was that I was trap in a beginner’s body! I was sick for a while and my health and fitness went downhill so I am looking to go back up just want to know the best way to do it.
OK, I’ll make it simple for you…
Pick any program, it doesn’t really matter which one you pick.
Bust your fucking ass in the gym. And I mean bust your goddamn ass. Don’t be like 99% of the worthless sacks of shit you see in most gyms (this applies to fighting skills, building muscle, getting stronger, etc.).
Eat. Don’t eat like some boy band scrawny dipshit. Eat like a man that has every intention of becoming an absolute badass.
Sleep. You grow/get stronger outside of the gym and that ain’t gonna happen if you don’t get enough calories and plenty of sleep/rest to recover properly. If possible, get at least ten hours of sleep every day.
Don’t give up. This is what most people do with just about everything that’s not easy to attain. Don’t be one of those gelatinous wastes of human flesh…don’t give up!
You’re better off spending your money on steak/chicken/pork chops/potatoes/veggies than on training books or supplements.
Find people in your area that have accomplished what you want to accomplish and learn everything you can from them.
Good luck!
Thanks for the advice…simple and to the point.
If in the past I din’t have any result…from what I read my big problem was sleep…man I should go to bed
Agree with unearth 100%
Remember 2 things.
The articles here argue over the last 1% of stuff you need to dial in. Until you get the other 99% you don’t need to worry about the last 1%.
It all boils down to lift heavy, eat, sleep, repeat. That is basically all there is to it. That would make a real short aricle. Writers tend to over complicate things so they have something to write about.