hey everyone, just wanna ask, when is a good indicator that you can move on to other intermediate strength programmes? ive been on starting strength for abt a year (on and off), and am wondering whether im ready for 5/3/1. i’ll list down my current stats here below
Current Bodyweight 61kg (134lbs)
squat 1 rep at 120kg (264lbs)
bench press 4 reps at 75kg (165lbs)
deadlift 1 rep at 150kg (330 lbs)
shoulder press 2 reps at 60kg (132lbs)
pullups 10 reps at 76kg (bodyweight plus 15kg plate)
i dont really have much info about my previous 1 RMs before i started SS, but if i could recall properly, they were on average like 10-20kg lighter than my current 1 RMs.
the reason why im asking is cause i seem to be plateuing on the above weights for about 2-3 months alr, and i have already deloaded twice from SS. the workouts are starting to be more and more draining for me, and i cant really recover properly from each workout.
currently my goals are to increase my 3 main lifts for a meet that im planning to enter in this july. the weight category im competing in is under 59kg, so im not so bothered about gaining weight and getting bigger lol. i know this seems like a pretty unrealistic goal, but im hoping to reach 3x bw deadlift and 2.5x bw squat by this july. thats like a good 6 months from now, and increases of 30kg (66lbs) in both the lifts. would jumping onto 5/3/1 be a good idea? or should i try other programmes instead? and if so, what other programmes should i try?
When someone stalls quickly on SS lack of proper nutrition is often times to blame. You say you don’t want to gain weight but, are you at least getting enough protein?
With that said, if the program has stopped working for you and you’ve already deloaded twice, change it. 5/3/1 is an excellent program. Madcow’s 5x5 is also a great alternative for intermediates. There is also an excellent, recently published article on this site about linear progression for intermediates.
Dude… Those are really good numbers for your bodyweight (assuming you use proper form). That and ‘i seem to be plateuing on the above weights for about 2-3 months’ indicate thsat you’re ready for something more advanced. Thumbs up for 531, I like it.
thanks all for the input, the article that eaboadar linked was helpful as well! i think i’ll give 5/3/1 a try first, dont think im ready to plan my own linear prog workout yet.
anws, is a 180kg deadlift and 150kg squat a realistic goal by july for me?
[quote]rafsanjaniii wrote:
thanks all for the input, the article that eaboadar linked was helpful as well! i think i’ll give 5/3/1 a try first, dont think im ready to plan my own linear prog workout yet.
anws, is a 180kg deadlift and 150kg squat a realistic goal by july for me? [/quote]
I’d say it’s very ambitious, but you can shoot for it. Hint: eating will help.