10:00 am The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
Yawn…time to get up Barry.
11:00 am The President meets with senior advisors
Campaign advisors?
2:30 pm The President holds a conference call with elected officials and student government leaders from across the country to discuss the need to prevent rates from doubling on July 1
Most the “students” don’t realise that the doubling of interest rates to 6.8 percent doesn’t apply to old loans. “Only new loans will be 6.8 percent. Old loans will not change.” - Forbes
9:45 am The President recieves the Presidential Daily Briefing
3:25 pm The President departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews
3:40 pm The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route to New York City
4:35 pm The President arrives in New York City
5:20 pm The President delivers remarks at a campaign event
BTW, Michelle Obama spent over $10 million on her vacations in 2010:
“Branding her ‘disgusting’ and ‘a vacation junkie’, they(pundit sources) say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.”
Obama: ‘Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good…Everyone must have some skin in the game.’
BTW, Michelle Obama spent over $10 million on her vacations in 2010:
“Branding her ‘disgusting’ and ‘a vacation junkie’, they(pundit sources) say the 47-year-old mother-of-two has been indulging in five-star hotels, where she splashes out on expensive massages and alcohol.”
Obama: ‘Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good…Everyone must have some skin in the game.’[/quote]
I’ve got some bad news for you. Your bullshit detector is broken.
Well, this way Obama can always say, “It’s not my fault that the country is fucked. Look at my official schedule, I haven’t done a damn thing in months!”
5/2/2011- I wonder where on the schedule he has listed- “get together with friends, order the killing of Bin Laden”.
It also says this is the Public Schedule, I wonder if the President does anything privately? Seems like he might want to, you know, be a little secretive right? I mean if he just listed everything he did I guess there would be no need for spies and stuff.
5/2/2011- I wonder where on the schedule he has listed- “get together with friends, order the killing of Bin Laden”.
It also says this is the Public Schedule, I wonder if the President does anything privately? Seems like he might want to, you know, be a little secretive right? I mean if he just listed everything he did I guess there would be no need for spies and stuff.[/quote]
Yes, because everything your hero does is correct – We get it B r i a n you’re in love with Obama.
Be careful you don’t get your feelings hurt when Romney takes him down.
You saw what happened in Wisconsin last night right?
People are rejecting big government and that’s what your man stands for.
5/2/2011- I wonder where on the schedule he has listed- “get together with friends, order the killing of Bin Laden”.
It also says this is the Public Schedule, I wonder if the President does anything privately?
Well I can answer that for you. I’ve been reading the president’s daily schedule since it was brought to my attention by Matt Drudge nearly 15 years ago. Of course the schedule does not include everything but comparisons can be made. For example, Bush II usually got his daily briefing before 7:00AM. Obama usually gets his around 10:30AM-11:00AM. Obama has also played over 100 rounds of golf and been to more than 100 fundraisers. More fundraisers than every single other president combined dating back to and including Jimmy Carter. Okay?
Seems like he might want to, you know, be a little secretive right? I mean if he just listed everything he did I guess there would be no need for spies and stuff.[/quote]
5/2/2011- I wonder where on the schedule he has listed- “get together with friends, order the killing of Bin Laden”.
It also says this is the Public Schedule, I wonder if the President does anything privately?
Well I can answer that for you. I’ve been reading the president’s daily schedule since it was brought to my attention by Matt Drudge nearly 15 years ago. Of course the schedule does not include everything but comparisons can be made. For example, Bush II usually got his daily briefing before 7:00AM. Obama usually gets his around 10:30AM-11:00AM. Obama has also played over 100 rounds of golf and been to more than 100 fundraisers. More fundraisers than every single other president combined dating back to and including Jimmy Carter. Okay?
Seems like he might want to, you know, be a little secretive right? I mean if he just listed everything he did I guess there would be no need for spies and stuff.[/quote]
I was going to look for posts blasting Bush II for his work schedule, but I decided to enjoy the rare 75 and sunny day here with a nice breeze blowing off the big ass lake, so I will just guess that you didn’t write any.
I do think it is funny that you would criticize Obama’s work ethic and use Bushs’ habits as a comparison, Bush spent the month prior to 9/11 on his ranch (he spent a month there after being president for only 7 months, that is a hard worker), in fact that same president spent 319 days on vacation in Texas, over 49 separate trips (I wonder how much those trips cost us), in his first 4 ½ years as president (by 8/3/2005), maybe it isn?t just Obama that is lazy, maybe all the presidents are (or maybe they are all working vacations which seems more likely) If you want to use a hard working president for an example you will need to skip Bush II and go back to Clinton, here is a snippet of how they all fared after the first 31 months in office:
"So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.
Among recent presidents, Bill Clinton took the least time off – 28 days."
And don’t play the “campaign event” card, everything is a campaign event for all of these hucksters. If they are not in the White House or on vacation, every public appearance is/was carefully orchestrated to strenghthen their shot at re-election.
I was going to look for posts blasting Bush II for his work schedule, but I decided to enjoy the rare 75 and sunny day here with a nice breeze blowing off the big ass lake, so I will just guess that you didn’t write any.
I do think it is funny that you would criticize Obama’s work ethic and use Bushs’ habits as a comparison, Bush spent the month prior to 9/11 on his ranch (he spent a month there after being president for only 7 months, that is a hard worker), in fact that same president spent 319 days on vacation in Texas, over 49 separate trips (I wonder how much those trips cost us),
I’ve been through this exact stuff before many times. Bush went to his own ranch in Texas for ‘working vacations.’ Bush would work from his ranch. His ranch cost the taxpayer nothing. His wife did not spend $10 million dollars flying around the world with an enormous entourage.
EVERY president before Obama was hardworking by comparison. I despise Clinton but he was up before 7:00AM like every other president bar Obama.
They worked from their own ranches costing the taxpayer less than if they were in the Whitehouse and flying around the country. No comparison.
They’re including Bush’s time at his ranch as “time off” - it wasn’t time off. I often used to read his schedule when he was there - I know. Also, see the quote I posted in this thread regarding Bush II’s schedule “oozing self discipline.”
And don’t play the “campaign event” card, everything is a campaign event for all of these hucksters. If they are not in the White House or on vacation, every public appearance is/was carefully orchestrated to strenghthen their shot at re-election.[/quote]
Actually Bush II increased the number of campaign events significantly. But Obama has taken it to a whole new level.
Waste of time, he could have better spent his day employing millions of people to build houses for the homeless so they have proper shelter when they are not out killing terrorists.