[quote]GDI Inc wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
GDI Inc wrote:
No, I never aspirated an IM injection. No one I knew did either. Hard to hit a vein with a wide bore needle an inch and half in. It’s been a while, and I guess that would be safer. I’ve read here for a while and just get kinda uncomfortable thinking about guys doing IV inject.
I do not mean to be disrespectful at all as you seem to be posting in good faith but…
Many of your posts are littered with outdated information that you use to support your criticisms of contemporary AAS protocol. It is fine to have an opinion but using scare tactics just sounds cheesy and immature; especially without a factual basis to back a claim.
Again please don’t take this as an insult, it is just my interepretation of your posts. Not just a response to your post(s) in the steroid forum, but also your post in the thread about steroids in the BB forum.
I don’t take it as an insult. I jumped to conclusions here. But my mistake was an honest one. I had read the GH protocol here that included IV injections and had never heard of anyone that aspirated an IM injection. Hell, I’ve never noticed a nurse attempt to aspirate prior to an IM injection.[quote]
Nurses are highly trained individuals who know where most major blood vessels run, let alone the safest places for an IM inject.[/quote]
In any case, I have no real opinion on aspirating an IM injection, it’s a practice I never heard of, read of, or seen.[quote]
You havent seen, read or heard about much have you? It is a common practice amongst steroid users and the literature surrounding it. Not just this site, but other sites and books and on the street too…[/quote]
I don’t think I’ve used a single scare tactic. If you think pointing out the legal and social risks are scare tactics I think you’re wrong. Those are much more real then the health consequences. I don’t think advising people that are already using recreational drugs illegally and comfortable with needles to move onto IV injections of anything is good advice…not that I think the act of IV injection of GH is in itself more dangerous then IM injection it’s what it could lead to.
I dont necessarily disagree… moving someone who is using rec.drugs onto IV use is a dangerous move as it is highly likely they will shoot their coke or whatever. Saying that, there arent many rec.drugs solubule in water or in a form that would not need a proper srynge filtering (pills). Coke Heroin and ket spring to mind. But those who are serious enough about bodybuilding etc… to IV their 6 month course of GH are hardly likely to be using the aforementioned drugs - and it is a wholly different thing too.[/quote]
I haven’t presented myself as an expert. I haven’t said that there are serious health consequences from steroid use. I don’t think there are even in large dosages. I think they should be legal, by script anyway.
In any case, what is contemporary steroid protocol? Hell, I’ve read everything from 8 week cycles are best to many pro’s stay on all year. I don’t take criticism personally, so anytime you see something you specifically have a problem with and I’ll do my best to clarify my pov.
I actually had no intention of posting in the steroid forums when I signed up. It came up in my first thread…not of my choosing…I plan on remaining anonymous here so I figured why not.
I try to limit it to opinion here…maybe a story or two, but I won’t be offering any advice here.[/quote]
Sorry to say, but with a misconception the type of yours… maybe that is a good thing. No-one suggested injecting AAS IV, IV was never mentioned, it was something you read god knows when… maybe you need to lay off the rec.drugs 