What Should I Do in this Situation?

im lost without step 5?

Much to learn you have

Dude all high school relationships are just practice for when you get to college. Bang as many girls as you can especially younger ones. Now be a man at the bus stop and TELL her that ya’ll are going to hang out and then fuck her!!! Easy fix. Just remember you are an upper classman, you can treat her like shit and she will be coming back beggin for more

  1. if she has fat friends, throw them the bone…they have to pay which coincides with step 6. profit

pee in her butt

[quote]GVkid wrote:
pee in her butt[/quote]


Does peeing into a cup, waititng until shes asleep, sneaking into her room and throwing the pee into her butt counta as peeing in her butt?

[quote]mtbr92 wrote:
Does peeing into a cup, waititng until shes asleep, sneaking into her room and throwing the pee into her butt count as peeing in her butt?[/quote]

as long as its still warm, certain points are still rewarded.

way different experience though.

dude, ask her out.


[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
dude, ask her out.


For once Mac has a sane response among a sea of ‘T-Nation’ responses.

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
You’re a senior and take the bus? take what you can get then ;)[/quote]


[quote]Carlitosway wrote:
I’d just be like look chica I’m a man. I like you, yet I don’t have time to be playing little games . You either want a relationship with me or not. Stare her dead in the face when doing this. If no response. Just walk away and move on. Plenty of girls out there who don’t bullshit around.[/quote]


[quote]mtbr92 wrote:
Long story short:

Girl likes me, wants to go out with me in the beginning of the year. I say no in the beginning of the year because of her age (freshmen and I’m a junior), I start hanging out with her and we are really into it. She tells me she has a BF, continues to flirt with me and I start to really fall for her.

I think that she no longer has a BF because of her flirting, I want to ask her out but when I go to take out the trash one a day she’s walking down the street with her bf, quickly sees me and turns away embarrased, and walks with her bf in the other direction.

I get really pissed off and stopped talking to her completely, and I see her on the bustop and in school at lunch. I try my best to ignore her or give her as little attention as possible. I always catch her looking at me a nd she looks away embarrassed. Everything feels weird between us, like we broke up. I can feel that me not giving her any attention is hurting.

What do you think I should do?
I’m really tempted that one day on the bus stop I’m gonna tell her flatout and things need to stop being weird between us, and I know that she has a BF ect ect.

But it sounds good when I think of it, but it could be one of those things that sound good when ya do em, but suck alter on. What do you think I should do and what do you think of the situation overall?

Alright Jimmy, I hope you don’t mind me calling you Jimmy…actually I don’t care, I’m going to take some time off my research into the Giant Panda (A creature I hope is one day genetically modified to be the size of a lap dog for me to own and carry in those chest mounted baby carriers so chicks can say, “Aww, look a the cute little panda and the heavily muscled daddy” YEAH!) and help you on this one.

Listen good Jimmy: What you NEED to do is next time you’re stroking your Slim Jim of a weenie is to reach down in there and grab your pair. Grab it good now, Jimmy. Don’t give em some Obama pussyhanded grip either. Man grip Jimmy. MAN GRIP! This makes you a man, Jimmy. With your anatomy established its time to start acting like a man Jimmy. So now that you’ve reinstated as a man/child you need to confront this little girl with the facts. From what I got from your tale of pain and deception is that she was asking you out for the longest time and while you were out playing Pokemon cards with your buddies you caught her with her apparent boyfriend.

And now you limpdick everytime you see her, but you still catch her staring at you. Okay, Jimmy, the hardpart if about to begin. What I’m about to tell you to do might get you beaten, spit on, and slightly soiled. Next time you see Polly Pocket you have to confidently (shit, 5 minutes before you confront her go to the bathroom, pound a Rockstar, reach down in there and grab your pair, play Offspring’s Nitro on sound level 11 in your pink Ipod, and punch something!! If that doesn’t get you spinning, you ain’t alive) approach her and tell her you need to speak to her.

In private, Jimmy. Face-to-Face. Don’t give me none of that text messaging (Kiss me thru the phone my ass!) bullshit Jimmy. THATS THE ULTIMATE in limpdicking it Jimmy! Be a man! Tell her that you thought she was single when she approached you offering her goodies. Do all this in a calm and assertive manner. Tell her that you DID see her with her boyfriend the time you were playing grab ass with your friends. Tell her that you don’t think its fair to her “boyfriend” for her to be acting like a baby tramp. If you like the girl listen to her. Listen to her side of story.

If everything is kosher and cool in da 'hood theres nothing wrong with her being younger than you. Jimmy, I’m sure your daddy is a couple years older than your mommy. If you don’t like the girl, as soon as she starts to babble calmly place your hand on her mouth and tell her, “SSHH, please don’t waste your breath my dear. For I, Jimmy, refuse to stand here and listen to your mindless babble. For I am a man with limited time here on Earth and I will not to stand here and waste such a precious possession.” Then pop your collar and leave the room. Then get in your car, put the fucker in reverse and mash the pedal. Let the meats smoke Jimmy! Make sure you don’t kill some kid behind standing around with his thumb up his ass. Then put the fucker in first or Drive and mash the pedal again. Make sure you keep them spinning all the way out of the parking lot Jimmy. All the listening to The Offspring’s “Nitro” in repeat. Since you don’t have a car my suggestion can be used on a later time. Hope this helps. Cheerio


[quote]bpeloquin wrote:
Carlitosway wrote:
I’d just be like look chica I’m a man. I like you, yet I don’t have time to be playing little games . You either want a relationship with me or not. Stare her dead in the face when doing this. If no response. Just walk away and move on. Plenty of girls out there who don’t bullshit around.

You need to show confidence. Also part of that is going after other girls in the case she rejects you.

[quote]Green Man wrote:
bpeloquin wrote:
Carlitosway wrote:
I’d just be like look chica I’m a man. I like you, yet I don’t have time to be playing little games . You either want a relationship with me or not. Stare her dead in the face when doing this. If no response. Just walk away and move on. Plenty of girls out there who don’t bullshit around.

You need to show confidence. Also part of that is going after other girls in the case she rejects you.

Or you can hit her with a ball in the face.

…or both balls.

high school disappears as soon as its over. get as much pussy as possible and get good in the sack so you can run shit at college. get some experience so you know how to handle girls before you step into the real world.

put her fingers in a cup of water while she is sleeping…then take a piss on her, or in her.

What is up with peeing on people?

fuck you guys im 21 and i still take the bus

[quote]Curran wrote:
high school disappears as soon as its over. get as much pussy as possible and get good in the sack so you can run shit at college. get some experience so you know how to handle girls before you step into the real world.[/quote]


but it really doesnt take much to be good in the sac…dont be skurred, its just pussy.