[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
I always thought the hats represented those who wanted Wormwood’s penis in or around their mouths!
I will continue to think as such until proven otherwise.[/quote]
Just like yours represents you wanting a taco in and around your mouth?
This thread is a hatful of win!
^ID has the best response because he DREW his hat … plus he has the prettiest hair EVER!!
[quote]pch2 wrote:
Is it even green? I thought it was brown.[/quote]
I think it depends on how it hits the light…urber ghey!!
[quote]polo77j wrote:
^ID has the best response because he DREW his hat … plus he has the prettiest hair EVER!![/quote]
Dammit Polo! Sometimes I can’t tell if you’re FOR or AGAINST me.
[quote]polo77j wrote:
plus he has the prettiest hair EVER!![/quote]
Polo said “prettiest”… What a fag!
[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
[quote]polo77j wrote:
plus he has the prettiest hair EVER!![/quote]
Polo said “prettiest”… What a fag!
SEE?!! That’s what I mean!
To the OP: Here’s the legend behind the “green” ghey hat
A long time ago (maybe a month or two) in a thread not so far away from here there was this kid, we’ll call him Wormwood Theory, or WT for short (get it, cuz he’s 5’7 lulz). Now in WT’s avatar was a picture of himself (well actually his under-developed back which his over-inflated ego decided would impress people … anyways) wearing a beanie cocked to the side as if he was the king of teh ghey hats. His ghey hat went largely unnoticed (much like himself much to his surprise) amongst the denizens who frequent this site until an unweildy chap who goes by the name of a Japanese cartoon villain named Vegita (who has waaaaay too much time on his hands for his own good) decide to parody WT’s ghey hat with a thread entitled “Wormwood Theories Ghey Hat”.
This thread was largely humorous and frequented for lulz by the E.F.L.A.T.K. crew and one thing led to another when this crew who infiltrates almost all levels and threads of this board (mainly for the entertainment of themselves, the jabronies). This crew, mind you, is open to anyone and everyone, but to survive you must have a dry wit and a love for lolcats. They’ve been trying to kill threads since before Moses climbed Mt. Sinai.
Weeks later, after the Ghey Hat thread faded into oblivion, the EFLATK crew, while lounging in their dank, dreary den of a thread, decided it would be funny if everyone either took pictures of “themselves” with WT’s ghey hat (or one similar) on, or photoshop a picture of the ghey hat into their avatars. And in one person’s pathetic case, even draw his very own ghey hat as his avatar (what a show off … but what beautiful hair!). Much to everyone’s delight it became a sensation and everyone was just tickled pink that their little plan humored and entertained.
Thus is the legend behind the ghey hat (sorry my retelling is so sloppy, I had to dry my tears as you can see I have no ghey hat to speak of … no one likes me, I’m about as popular as celtics)
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
[quote]polo77j wrote:
^ID has the best response because he DREW his hat … plus he has the prettiest hair EVER!![/quote]
Dammit Polo! Sometimes I can’t tell if you’re FOR or AGAINST me.
oh I’m always for you ID, if only because you have a kick ass sense of humor and laugh at my jokes, even when they happen to be about you 
[quote]pch2 wrote:
[quote]ADvanced TS wrote:
Its for members with confirmed 9 inch penises.
Your penis speaks for itself.
I need a new avatar… one big enough to cover my new asshole.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
I need a new avatar… one big enough to cover my new asshole.[/quote]
I’m really just busting your chops ID … here’s a pic for you
[quote]Danosterone wrote:
I don’t use this site very often, I want to start using it more now.
I’m always seeing this army green, beanie style hat with a peak. It’s photoshopped into many peoples’ profile picture.
Have you seen this before?
What does it mean/represent?[/quote]
Sometimes a bull gets cold, don’t hate
[quote]BradTGIF wrote:
[quote]Danosterone wrote:
I don’t use this site very often, I want to start using it more now.
I’m always seeing this army green, beanie style hat with a peak. It’s photoshopped into many peoples’ profile picture.
Have you seen this before?
What does it mean/represent?[/quote]
Sometimes a bull gets cold, don’t hate[/quote]
Penguins too! Bruce Willis told me to hold his hat for him he was busy blowing up buildings and killing terrorists.
Wormwood needs to get in here and put a fkn hat on Bruce already!
This thread is so full of win. I wish I could hat up but im so shit with computers I wouldn’t know where to start.
Hmm, I see pig up, CTRL, but no “any” key…this is hard work, I think I’ll order a tab
[quote]polo77j wrote:
To the OP: Here’s the legend behind the “green” ghey hat
A long time ago (maybe a month or two) in a thread not so far away from here there was this kid, we’ll call him Wormwood Theory, or WT for short (get it, cuz he’s 5’7 lulz). Now in WT’s avatar was a picture of himself (well actually his under-developed back which his over-inflated ego decided would impress people … anyways) wearing a beanie cocked to the side as if he was the king of teh ghey hats. His ghey hat went largely unnoticed (much like himself much to his surprise) amongst the denizens who frequent this site until an unweildy chap who goes by the name of a Japanese cartoon villain named Vegita (who has waaaaay too much time on his hands for his own good) decide to parody WT’s ghey hat with a thread entitled “Wormwood Theories Ghey Hat”.
This thread was largely humorous and frequented for lulz by the E.F.L.A.T.K. crew and one thing led to another when this crew who infiltrates almost all levels and threads of this board (mainly for the entertainment of themselves, the jabronies). This crew, mind you, is open to anyone and everyone, but to survive you must have a dry wit and a love for lolcats. They’ve been trying to kill threads since before Moses climbed Mt. Sinai.
Weeks later, after the Ghey Hat thread faded into oblivion, the EFLATK crew, while lounging in their dank, dreary den of a thread, decided it would be funny if everyone either took pictures of “themselves” with WT’s ghey hat (or one similar) on, or photoshop a picture of the ghey hat into their avatars. And in one person’s pathetic case, even draw his very own ghey hat as his avatar (what a show off … but what beautiful hair!). Much to everyone’s delight it became a sensation and everyone was just tickled pink that their little plan humored and entertained.
Thus is the legend behind the ghey hat (sorry my retelling is so sloppy, I had to dry my tears as you can see I have no ghey hat to speak of … no one likes me, I’m about as popular as celtics)[/quote]
it goes like this:
after that EVERYONE wanted in on my hatty goodness.
[quote]WormwoodTheory wrote:
after that EVERYONE wanted in on my hatty goodness.[/quote]
You can hat or not hat…but you know what they say about people who don’t hat…well, I don’t know what they say but it can’t be good!