[quote]super saiyan wrote:
[quote]forbes wrote:
[quote]farmerson12 wrote:
[quote]super saiyan wrote:
[quote]forbes wrote:
Mauraudermeat? More specifically his youtube channel. Does he have a different one? When I try to watch his vids it says that its private. Damn he was a great inspiration. [/quote]
Meat lost a front squat bet with Swolle. The loser had to leave the site for good. Meat has kept his word. [/quote]
Didnt Swole leave with him? Damn that was one weird thread. [/quote]
Is that thread still around? What was it called?
This is Swolle’s video:
curious, what was awesome, the thread as a whole or this swolle person front squatting 405x7?
im just asking, because, to me what made that thread even more sad was that neither one of them really should have been bragging about a 405 front squat for reps, unless it was like 20.
no disrespect, but come on, there are chinese women olympic lifters that i wager can out front squat both of them, and male olympic lifters under 180lbs that can do that too.
is it more than i can or could ever do? probably, i hit 160-200kg for 1-3 reps more time than i can count, and i hit 200kg a few time too, all with at the most belt and knee sleeves, and the depth was rock bottom too.
it really was stoopid on many different levels, feat of strength being contested was not THAT impressive that such high stakes and genuine emotion were attached to it,
and the premise was silly too, who gives a fuck about high reps in a front squat?
no swolle, front squats are n0ot “yours” you are not even that good at them, if any group has made them “theirs” i would say it is the Olympic lifting community. they do not car about reps, unless they are under 3. and these guys don’t even train for bodybuilding, they don’t diet, and i say i have seen many many of those guys whose quad and overall leg development was just as good as yours, or better.
THAT was like having a batting contest to see who could hit the longest GROUND BALL. haha
i would say the front s