What Do You Think of My Program?

Squat 3rep 5set
Bench 3rep 5set
Chins/Pulls 8rep 3~4set
DB Rows 10rep 3set
Few Curls 10rep 3set

Squat 3rep 5set
Overhead Press 3rep 5set
Arnold Press 10rep 3set
DB Rows 10rep 3set
Few Curls 10rep 3set

Squat 3rep 5set
Bench 3rep 5set
Chins/Pulls 8rep 3~4set
DB Rows 10rep 3set
Few Curls 10rep 3set

Every Squat session +2.5kg current 130kg
Every Bench session +1.25kg current 90kg
Every O.head press session +2.5kg current 55kg

Goal: Increase these 3 numbers by a great deal, steadily.
Can’t Deadlift, lower back injury.

So what do you guys think? Is this feasible? Have been doing this for 2 weeks already.

Well since your goal is increasing Squat, Bench, and Overhead Press… I recommend Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program. Has done wonders for me and many on this site.

[quote]leezw88 wrote:
Squat 3rep 5set
Bench 3rep 5set
Chins/Pulls 8rep 3~4set
DB Rows 10rep 3set
Few Curls 10rep 3set

Squat 3rep 5set
Overhead Press 3rep 5set
Arnold Press 10rep 3set
DB Rows 10rep 3set
Few Curls 10rep 3set

Squat 3rep 5set
Bench 3rep 5set
Chins/Pulls 8rep 3~4set
DB Rows 10rep 3set
Few Curls 10rep 3set

Every Squat session +2.5kg current 130kg
Every Bench session +1.25kg current 90kg
Every O.head press session +2.5kg current 55kg

Goal: Increase these 3 numbers by a great deal, steadily.
Can’t Deadlift, lower back injury.

So what do you guys think? Is this feasible? Have been doing this for 2 weeks already.

Looks pretty much like starting strength, except it’s 5x3 (Setsxreps) instead of 3x5. You might want to check that out, it’s written by Mark Rippetoe.
Why are you doing Arnold Press after your regular overhead press? That seems redundant. If you want extra shoulder volume, I’d do lateral raises instead to prevent an anterior/medial deltoid imbalance. It also couldn’t hurt to do rear delt work like face pulls, rear raises, etc.

yep what i need is to bring up my lagging shoulders really urgently. thanks for the advice!