Weirdest YouTube Video

[quote]grew7 wrote:

Topic has been won.[/quote]

Yea. I dont think i can top that.

[quote]folly wrote:
This may have been here already, but it makes The Hoff look normal.



…if you somehow get offended, please never return here.

Great thread.

I think ZMA is out of the question for tonight. That Oompa Loompa dude has got me way wierded out.

if you dont think this is funny end yourself immeditely

Stewie Griffin on the banjo.

wrong post, nevermind.

someone please help me figure out the movie that has the little guy dancing. i have another clip from this movie that is a fight scene. its quite possibly the funniest thing i have ever seen. i must own this movie.

Edit: ok here it is, i think its called little superstar

I love this one. Best viewed in the dark when you’re fucked up. Enjoy.

[quote]jjblaze wrote:
I love this one. Best viewed in the dark when you’re fucked up. Enjoy.

At about 3 mins in I felt like I was tripping out. First part was pretty damn creepy.

This one is really off the wall.