Ok, first of all I didn’t really know weather to post this in “Training/Nutrition” or Off Topic. In the end I decided that I would post it here. If this is the wrong forum then I am sorry!
Anyway, onto the topic.
I am 15 years old, around 6 feet tall and I weigh 17.5 stone. I am unhealthy. It'a a fact :)
I’m lazy. This is a problem for someone like me who wants to lose weight. it’s very, very difficult. I just want to know some ways to motivate myself into getting fit. Doing a bit of exercise, y’know? Do you guys have any suggestions?
Start looking at people and realizing how fat and ugly 80% of people are. Then, become bitter when you realize you will have to pay extra taxes to keep those mother-fuckers alive in their sickness. THEN, stop being part of the problem.
OR, watch last week’s episode of Oz when the skinhead cuts the muslim to death with a razor. Do you ever want to be in that situation. OH, I heard that Shugart wrote a good article. Um, “Gut Check” maybe?