Weight Loss

Ok, first of all I didn’t really know weather to post this in “Training/Nutrition” or Off Topic. In the end I decided that I would post it here. If this is the wrong forum then I am sorry!

Anyway, onto the topic.

I am 15 years old, around 6 feet tall and I weigh 17.5 stone. I am unhealthy. It'a a fact :)

I’m lazy. This is a problem for someone like me who wants to lose weight. it’s very, very difficult. I just want to know some ways to motivate myself into getting fit. Doing a bit of exercise, y’know? Do you guys have any suggestions?



Motivation… how about you’ll look better, feel better , be healthier, and get laid a whole lot more. Does that do anything for you?

Start looking at people and realizing how fat and ugly 80% of people are. Then, become bitter when you realize you will have to pay extra taxes to keep those mother-fuckers alive in their sickness. THEN, stop being part of the problem.

OR, watch last week’s episode of Oz when the skinhead cuts the muslim to death with a razor. Do you ever want to be in that situation. OH, I heard that Shugart wrote a good article. Um, “Gut Check” maybe?

Do a search on the T-Mag engine for an article called “Merry Christmas, Bob”.

Read the article.

Then realize that you’re Bob…

At least you are honest with yourself. As for suggestions, read some of Chris Shugart’s articles

I’ll second what char-dawg said. In addition look up “The Bodybuilders Prayer” by TC. Pay particular attention to the first paragraph.