BrentM mentioned that in Washington you can be busted for DUI just by being in control of a vehicle. The same is true in California. Also, regarding refusal to take the breath test, it doesn’t really matter because a blood draw can be legally forced. Then you have the automatic driver license suspension and the DUI to deal with.
I think you’ve gotten enough lectures and insults from all the high and mighty here. How does it work anyway, do you just go in on the weakend and do two days and then get released for the week? Is it work release? Anyway, since you probably won’t be doing shit when you’re in, you don’t have to worry about how much you eat and losing weight unless you have a really fast metabolism or are really big. Plus it’s only two days so who cares. You can probably order store, although I don’t know how that works being in only two days. Maybe you could put money on a righteous guy’s books and have him save food for you when you go in. As for working out, lift weights if they have them. If not, lots of pushups between chairs, and pullups off whatever you can use. Lifting trashbags or mop buckets is something you may be able to do. Bodyweight squats and jumping for legs. Burpees for everything and overall conditioning. Get creative. There will probably be at least a couple of muscular dudes doing something.You might be able to learn from them. Good Luck.
dont drop the soap!!
Please get real…Have you heard about T-MEN?
Try to inform yourself and grow up. Acting like a mama’s boy is not cutting it… at 20 it is time to live your shelterd childhood behind and become a MAN.
You are living an efeminate life. Stop demeaning yourself. How do you expect your girl to respect you if you act like a baby girl? She needs and wants a MALE.
Flattering yourself for being an alcoholic only emascualates you more.
We all want you to turn into a MAN, so please find out what that is…
One day you could cripple or kill a father or mother or their child… but you rather drink on and drive?
You are not very bright are you… wake up!
I can’t believe how casual you are about this whole stupid thing. Nutrition should be the least of your
worries right now. Straighten up before you kill ourself or someone else. You are one nervy little
You need other things before you start worrying about lifting and nutrition. Jesus would be a good place to start.
I have to agree with Goldberg. You need to get your life in order before you think about nutrition and training. Good luck to you. I hope you get it figured out.
OK first of all let me go ahead and put a little more information about me on here.
I got charged with the DUI in February. I just went to court and was convicted Tuesday.
I have been trying to go into the Army since June of last year. However, around June 15, 2003, I was arrested for a felony. This has prevented me from entering the military up until the DUI. Now, how I got charged with this is screwed up. One of my “friends” stole a car in early June and was getting ready to be charged with a vandalism (that damaged over $2000 worht of property). The cops had no eveidence whatsoever but they tricked him into believing they did. He then decided to blame it on me. He wrote a statement that would be entered into the court. MY LAWYER SHOWED ME A COPY OF THE STATEMENT. Well, I go to court 4 times for this one charge, and each time the bitch probably bc of fear didn’t show up. On the 4th time, they finally dismissed it in February this year. The whole reason I was charged, was an attempt to make me snitch on the guy who blamed it on me. The cops knew he did it but had no evidence. I did not tell on him, though I knew I would be charged with a fuckin felony. Now tell me if that’s being a man or not?
I was planning to still join the Army, so I began group counseling once per week. (That and AA has helped me alot) The counselor and my recruiter wrote to the Commonwealth’s attorney. I was hoping to somehow get the DUI dropped to a lesser charge so that I could enlist.
Anyway as far as my alcoholism (and Latin Lover admitting and accepting that you have a problem is the first step in recovery, it’s nothing like flattery), I haven’t had a drink in 2 1/2 months now.
After my first DUI, I started realizing I had a problem, but I thought I still had control. I cut back on my drinking and only drank on the weekends. But when I would drink, it was definitely binge drinking until finally I’d either have sex or pass out. Most of the time pass out. My pride and ego would not let me accept the fact that it’s impossible for me to drink without it causing problems. I live in a small town and if the people my age aren’t drinking, they’re asleep. So the opportunity and pressure to drink is there, as i’m sure it is in most places. Drinking for me became something like a competition. By that I mean, I would drink as much as I possible could and still keep my job and most of my social life straight. I thought I was a badass and was more of a man bc I could handle it. I realized I was neither and damn sure couldnt handle it.
I am just now starting to realize how stupid that way of life was. It got me absolutely no where but trouble. I shouldve been in college a long time ago. I’ve finally decided to live a clean life. I’m going to college this fall and will eventually join the Army.
This is not intended to be an excuse or whatever, it’s merely a little more details for some of you who judged me.
Cliff: No shit, I quit drinking March 3, 2004 and there’s also a difference in judgement when sober vs. drunk, huge difference
Jaystyles: I never once used the fight with my girlfriend as an excuse, it was just something that influenced that night
BrentM: thanks for the support man
Drewpate: No sympathy, just looking for advice. And go read the entire post next time before posting.
MiketheBear: You’re right the first post, upon rereading it, did have that tone but like I said, I was in a hurry.
TRaven: because I’m not crying on here and asking how to protect my asshole doesn’t mean that I’m treating my situation casually
Goldberg and RichM. Thanks but you have to understand that if it weren’t for training, I would be a lot worse off now. I would probably never have put this much effort in straightening out my life…in fact I’m sure I wouldnt have. But now I’ve dedicated to making my mind and body better.
Pretzel: Go in at 8 PM on Fridays and leave at 8PM on Sundays. I’ve gotta do that for 5 weekends. Porbably will get moved to a different pod each week so aint no need to put money on someone’s books.
Thanks for all your replies.
I am no expert on the subject that is steroids but the stigma of the matter is always associated with bodybuilding, and therefore it occasionally gets associated with me. If I bump into an old friend who I haven�??t seen for a while (especially friends who I haven�??t seen since high school).
I got a dui back in febuary 2006. They came down hard on me and lost my license for 2 years and had to go to so many drug alcohol classes. I had to bum rides to school, work, and my girlfriend drove us everywhere. It was extremely embaressing and i can honestly say I have only drank a few times since that incident( sisters wedding, new years, and so on) How did you not learn your lesson after the first time?!?!?!?
[quote]Stellathomas wrote:
I am no expert on the subject that is steroids but the stigma of the matter is always associated with bodybuilding, and therefore it occasionally gets associated with me. If I bump into an old friend who I haven�??t seen for a while (especially friends who I haven�??t seen since high school).
How did you even find this thread from 4 years ago… and think it was about steroids at all?
wow I didn’t even notice this was from 4 years ago…Yeah I feel dumb.
[quote]Wilmernuts wrote:
wow I didn’t even notice this was from 4 years ago…Yeah I feel dumb.[/quote]
Not as bad as Stellathomas probably feels. 4 years and totally wrong subject. WTF was he thinking anyways. lol…
[quote]Scott M wrote:
Stellathomas wrote:
I am no expert on the subject that is steroids but the stigma of the matter is always associated with bodybuilding, and therefore it occasionally gets associated with me. If I bump into an old friend who I haven�??t seen for a while (especially friends who I haven�??t seen since high school).
How did you even find this thread from 4 years ago… and think it was about steroids at all?[/quote]
Lol, that is funny. Didn’t start off too well with his first post huh?
wow mega bump?