Wednesday on Prime Time T-Nation

Tonight, on Prime Time T-Nation, from 7PM to 10PM, EST, strength coaches Christian Thibaudeau, Chad Waterbury, Charles Staley, and Mike Robertson. Cy Willson discusses his insane, catatonic fear of clowns. Performances by members of the Ringling Brother’s Circus. Music by Paul Anka.

[quote]Atomic Dog wrote:
Tonight, on Prime Time T-Nation, from 7PM to 10PM, EST, strength coaches Christian Thibaudeau, Chad Waterbury, Charles Staley, and Mike Robertson. Cy Willson discusses his insane, catatonic fear of clowns. Performances by members of the Ringling Brother’s Circus. Music by Paul Anka.[/quote]

I’d like to see that one…can we have Paul Anka play something while Cy goes ballistic and decapitates/impales/draws and quarters the clowns.

Damn clowns…I had a picture of one on my bedroom wall as a kid…scared the HELL out of me…MAN, it really looked EVIL!
But…I’ve gotten over it…really, I have…


PS…DAMN, no Stupid Pet Tricks…

Is Dr. John B. ever going to mke one of these?

Nice to hear that someone else has the same healthy fear of the painted Satans as I do.

Hey, some of my best friends are clowns, and they rarely kill people.