Overheard: “The Govt. has added compounds to food & drugs that trigger fatal diseases (cancer, etc) in men when their testosterone levels drop below a certain point as a euthanasia measure” (Alex Jones). If true, could this be the real reason behind the relentless war on Testosterone/AAS, with it’s attendant heavyhanded anti-AAS propaganda offensives, we have seen over the last decade?. New Senate hearings going after “OTC Steroids” are taking place as we speak…
Conspiracy theory or fact?
I’m just sayin’…
It’s euthanasia btw and what good would it do the govt? That one sux, check out this more plausible conspiracy theory: Deceptive Deceptions - YouTube

[quote]Dre the Hatchet wrote:
It’s euthanasia btw and what good would it do the govt? That one sux, check out this more plausible conspiracy theory: Deceptive Deceptions - YouTube
“what good would it do the govt?”=Save $:No pension/Medicare/SSA/etc Payouts, No old angry & informed voters; No old combat veterans that can still shoot with nothing to lose…
(Was it really necessary to break my balls over a typo? Shit happens). Amusing video if you find college humor group funny, but it’s been done better before… I suggest you check out this one…