Original Post:
This log will cover my training leading up to the World Indoor Lacrosse Championship in September 2019.
I’m 29 years old. I’ve been playing lacrosse since I was 6. I’ve been lifting / training seriously since I was 17. My training has varied greatly over the years, mostly due to injuries but also due to gym availability and personal interests. I am creating this log to stay focused and motivated.
My goals are as follows:
Bulletproof my body as best as possible. I have a bad neck and terrible shoulders (multiple labrum surgeries). This is my number one priority as it’s the biggest limitation in my game.
Regain 5-10 lbs of muscle and the associated strength that comes with it. I used to only care about numbers but my training philosophy and interests have changed over time. I don’t have any hard goals in regards to major lifts. My strength training will likely show this.
Play enough competitive lacrosse so that my skills and knowledge are peaking at the age of 30.
Be “in shape” come September with the required level of conditioning. This aspect of my training will not be important until several months out of competition.
Saturday October 13, 2018
Two field lacrosse games, won one and lost the other.
I played alright. The team that beat us had a handful of Iroquois National players. I got burned once on defence but luckily it didn’t turn into a goal. Other than that I matched up with them well, a few strips and one alley dodge for a goal.
1A) Lying Hip Adductors: 2x20
1B) Lying Hip Abductors: 2x25
2A) Bear Crawls: 2x20 steps (front and back)
2B) DB Turkish Getups: 2x5 @ 50
2C) Band Palloff Press: 2x15
3) Seated Leg Press: worked up to full stack x12
4) DB 1-leg RDLs: 3x10 @ 50s
5) 1-leg Calf Raises: 3x12 with extra eccentric load
Two field lacrosse games. Lost the first one, our team played terrible and kept giving the ball away. Second game we tied a much better team. I played okay with 1 goal on the day.
Two field games, won both and won the championship. Our team was dominant start to finish. I was consistently winning all my iso dodges and had 5 or 6 goals on the day.