Vidi, Vici, Veni. Carthago Delenda Est

Nice numbers on the OHP mate

Thanks. Just for the record, it was 205 lbs, not KG. lmao.

Calories: 1,890
P-f-c: 142-97-120

235x1 post injury PR (Iā€™m bad at bench)

Deadlift double overhand:
405x1 (felt weird, called it quits there)

I got 455 on the hex bar low handles in December. Usually do mixed grip on deads. Wanted 455 on the straight bar, nothing doing tonight.

Now that testing week is over going to be doing 5-3-1 on main lifts and trying to be really diligent with assistance and conditioning. Trying to hold muscle tissue while murdering the spare tire.

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Sleep 6 hours
Morning weight 232.4
Calories: 1,757
P-f-c: 203-59-108

Squat 5/3/1:

Sleep 5.5 hours
Calories: 2,095
P-f-c: 245-61-143

5:30am leg assistance
Squat 150x30
Good Morning 150x20
Calf Raise 150x50
Leg Extension 90x25
Leg curl 45x25

Calories: 1,754
P-f-c: 89-71-203

Bench 5/3/1:

Calories: 1,823
P-f-c: 87-77-208

Deadlift 5/3/1
355x6 (wanted 15. Back was there, grip wasnā€™t)

1 arm 45 degree inverted rows (supposed to translate to pullups better than normal inv rows. First try.

Superset incl db alternating curls with preachers
2x10 SS 2x10

Hanging leg raises

All this after cutting and splitting half a cord. Recorded everything I ate, but didnā€™t plan. Blew protein big time. Woops.

Morning Weight 226.8
Calories 2,644
P-f-c: 208-193-121
Squats: 45x10, 135x10, 245x3, 275x3, 315x9, 155x20

OHP (week 1 late): 45x10, 120x5, 140x5, 160x2 (damn it!), 95x16. Didnā€™t have it tonight

3 different curls ez/alt/preacher: some x a few

Standing 1 arm fat man rows: 2x15

Hanging leg raises 2x10

This guy got in the gym. He didnā€™t rack the weights. Also watch MFP. It freaks out some times.


Morning Weight 230

DL: 135x10, 245x5, 295x3, 335x3, 375x6 (PR), 185x20

BP: 45x10, 135x10, 150x3, 170x3, 190x6 (PR), 95X20

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Morning weight 228
Calories: 1,600
P:f:c: 185-54-72
Friend had a knee issue thatā€™s finally healing up. Wanted to work up on squats a bit and test it out.
Squats: barx10, 135x5, 225x5, 275x1, 295x1, 315x1, 345x1, 385x1, 405x0,0 damn, 225x15

Think upper back was the limiting factor. Legs and lower back were fine. Friend was recording reps on the white board:

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Calories: 1,660
P-f-c: 114-54-137

Bench: Barx10, 135x5, 185x2,2, 205x1, 225x1, 135x20

B/t bench sets SS of
Band pull aparts 5x10
Band face pulls 5x10
Band curls 5x10
Pull ups 1,1,1,.5,1,.5,.5 (really bad at these since I got fat and hurt my shoulder. Considering doing them every single time I train until I can do better)

DB Row: 40# L=50, R=50

Pushups: 20


Superset with 1.5 minute rest while other guy lifts

OHP: 95lbs 8x10
Squat: 185lbs 8x10

Felt sick and didnā€™t finish the 10x10. Have an awful head cold now. Damn volume gave me a virus lol.

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Friend shouldā€™ve been recording vids of the sets on a phone

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1214 cals
C-f-p: 20-65-138

With all that talk about HIT and Jones thought Iā€™d try an old Ken Leistner workout I had lying around. Done with as little rest as possible. Only as long as it took to put plates on. A few warm ups omitted. Took 28 minutes.

Squats 225x25
Pullover 45x30
OHP 95x20
EZ Curls 30x35
BB Shrugs 135x12 switching to db shrugs next time. OUCH.
RDL 135x25
Dips 10 lol
Pull ups .5 then negsā€¦ Just terrible.

Didnā€™t die, only hyperventalated for about a minute after RDLā€™s.


226.5lbs (down 9 since Jan 1)
Calories: 1,202
C-f-p: 5-61-145

Training 8:30pm took 35min 47sec. Spent 3 minutes looking for my EZ curl bar, it had rolled under the bench lmao. Still trying to do full ROM, controlled slow-ish reps and as little rest as possible.

Squats: 225x30 bump weight up next time

EZ bar Pullovers: 55x15. Tough not to engage triceps, did them as slow and perfect as possible.

RDL: 135x30 for some reason this is the most taxing lift on the lungs and heart rate despite being so light. Going to move it back to the end of the workout.

OHP 95x15. Worse than last time, all I had atm.

DB Row: 60# R=20, L=20 Just gassed at this point.

Dips: BWx15 some ground slow.

EZ bar Curls 40x20.

Felt light headed and dizzy/cold sweat for about 30 minutes after this workout. Urine had 3x the keto smell more than usual. Starting to remember why I quit training this way. I was a wuss about it before, after a few weeks. Gonna keep it up this time. Also I hate cutting weight.

Morning weight: 222.4
Training 5:14am fasted with coffee and water

Squat: 45x10, 135x5, 235x20 (really grindy today)
OHP: 45x10, 100x15 (just flew up, felt good)
DB Row: 60# R=25, L=25
Dips: 10, 10 (I know 2 sets, may Jones haunt me)
EZ Curls: 45x25
RDL: 145x25

Fasted morning training, couldā€™ve gone better. Took 36:49, moving slow in the morning. Squats felt heavy even just the bar. Dropped pullover, I think Iā€™m doing them wrong even with light weight. They end up being bastardized 1/4 rep skull crushers.

Morning weight: 220.2
Calories: 1,201
C/f/p = 6/65/143
Workout 8:08PM took 21min 10sec

Dips BWX20

dead stop (meadows) db rows: 60# Lx25, Rx25 thanks @brady888. These were great, hit right in the lats.

OHP 100x16

Curls 45x20

Squats 235x15

Ran outta time with kids and interview tomorrow so iron time. Only 3 more weeks of big deficit. Then I get some carbs back slow.

Morning weight 219
Calories: 1,295
C/f/p: 26/55/175

Thought Iā€™d try some bodybuilding type work for a while, since Iā€™ve never trained that way before. Kept rest to 60 seconds. Starting with arm day, cuz theyā€™re small.
EZ Curls: 20x20, 30x20, 40x20, 50x15,13

EZ Tricep ext standing: 20x20, 30x20, 40x20, 50x15,10

Alt DB Incline Seated Curls: 10ā€™sx20, 20ā€™sx20, 20, 15, 20

CGBP 45x20, 65x20, 85x20 ran outta time, need to lift in the mornings when I donā€™t have obligations

@BrickHead @The_Mighty_Stu @robstein @EyeDentist

Is it 10 sets per body part or 15 thatā€™s considered ā€œenough workā€? Provided youā€™re busting your butt of course. I canā€™t remember.

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1200-1300cals/day @215+! Damn! How long have you been at that defecit?

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PSMF since 2/15. I was 235 at Christmas and 233 on Jan 1. I have a million excuses for why I got up to 235lbs (40" waist), but there is no excuse.

Goal 1 with this cut is my triglyceride number. Iā€™ve always had perfect blood lipids and health markers, they even improved 5 years ago when we started eating ā€œPrimalā€ 90% of the time (no grains, legumes, vegetable oils or sugars). Well in 2017 my trigs went from 65 to 239. Maybe it was too many bourbons, maybe it was the stress of laying dozens of people off and liquidating a business, maybe itā€™s being fat. Either way that shit will not fly. My entire family dies prematurely of lifestyle diseases, and I have the knowledge to avoid it. I just need to actually apply it.

Goal 2 of this cut is to get under 200lbs in 2018. Iā€™m fully aware that PSMFā€™s are usually counter productive muscle wise and usually leave you just a ā€œsmaller version of your un-aesthetic selfā€.

Iā€™m going to reverse diet out of this one adding 50 calories/week, so I should be in a deficit for most of 2018. The reason for the bodybuilding training is twofold.

  1. Thought Iā€™d embrace the vanity for 6 months to a year and see if I like it.
  2. Trying to hack my carb tolerance with the reverse diet. If Iā€™m doing more glycogen depleting workouts, hopefully I can shuttle incoming carbs where they belong (muscle) as opposed to my fat ass (or floating through my bloodstream after the liver converts them to triglycerides).