Videos; PJ, MP, 138.5CM Plate Jump

 Power Jerks


My PB is 115Kg.
I don’t do Power Jerks often but got a good 5 week in doing them in

Military Press

60Kg x 6reps : paused rep so no bounce for the next rep
70kg x 1rep
75kg x 1rep
77.5kg x 0rep tongue.gif

Did my 1RM of 78Kg a few weeks after the video

138.5Cm plate jump:

@ 88Kg bw. I could maybe do more now as I’m leaner and stronger. My previous PB was 135Cm @ 77Kg. I want to break 140cm sometime tongue.gif.

The last 2 videos are funny because I didn’t hurt myself! IF I did that wouldn’t have been funny!


Awesome form and execution man.

Crazy that you didn’t get overwhelmed by that pile of plates in the end.

[quote]Leeuwer wrote:
Awesome form and execution man.

Crazy that you didn’t get overwhelmed by that pile of plates in the end.[/quote]

Cheers I have a very good coach and club :slight_smile:

Big brassy balls and mental toughness. Can’t over rate these traits in competitive sports or activities imo. If you don’t have it in your mind you have nothing.

Koing doesn’t bail out!