Very Worried About My T Therapy

I’m estrogen dominant and have never been able to get rid of the fat in my lower abdomen and back no matter how hard I try (and thankfully have noticed it decreasing since starting an AI). However, since looking into my issues, I’ve come to the conclusion that the effect of estrogen levels in men isn’t that well-known or researched. I’ve read many, many times of men being discouraged from getting estradiol levels tested because estrogen is irrelevant to men (obviously not the case).

When I wanted to ask my doctor about it, I had a difficult time even finding a list of symptoms and, even then, thought I had low levels due to having more symptoms in common. I read, for instance, that high estrogen in men results in water retention and less frequent urination, but I’m the exact opposite: I pee 15-20 times a day. In other words, I’m doubting it impacts every man exactly the same way and everyone gets every symptom. But, the only way to be sure is getting it tested.

This sticky of KSMan’s has a list of what bloodwork you should get.