Very High BP Shortness of Breath

I was wondering, do you stil have short breath ?

Are you using any suplements ?

I remember having short breath my self.
If I use Omega 3 (fish oil) as a dietery suplement, I endid up having verry short breath and it’s was alarming. Just doing little effert or just getting reddy for bed, I could feal like a preshur on or in my chest. Not a good fealing. I stoped using it and it when’t away.

I’m not having shortness of breath or high BP anymore. Yesterday and today
I’m just sore. Left elbow and hands mainly. My traps are really tight also,
I’m really irritable. Just for nothing, things I’d normal not even notice.
I did BW this morning and talk to Doc. He said keep doing the test drop the
AI. Once I get the BW back I’ll know more I guess. Thanks again. I’ll post
once the BW comes back. I need to get back to the sweet spot. This is

November 28

I was wondering, do you stil have short breath ?

Are you using any suplements ?

I remember having short breath my self.
If I use Omega 3 (fish oil) as a dietery suplement, I endid up having
verry short breath and it’s was alarming. Just doing little effert or just
getting reddy for bed, I could feal like a preshur on or in my chest. Not a
good fealing. I stoped using it and it when’t away.
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In Reply To
November 28
Thanks. I have read and need to reread them. This all seemed kinda easy
at the beginning. Tomorrow I’ll try to see my doc. Hopefully he will order
BW so I can get a clearer picture of what’s going on. I was kind of feeling
better thinking I was just an AI over responded and I floored my E2 with
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Finally got my labs back.
Hemoglobin 14.8. 13.2-17.1 g/dL
Hematocrit 44.6 38.5-50.0%
Test. 547 250-827 ng/dL
PSA 0.9 < or= 4.0 Ng/mL
Estradiol <15 < or = 4.0 pg/mL

So my Estradiol must have been super low if I’m reading this correctly. I haven’t had any AI in 9 days and I’m feeling way better now. I took .40 of test on Tuesday instead of my usual .75. Please let me know if I’m on the right track. This BW was done before my normal shot and 6 days after taking a 1/4 of a 1 MG tablet of amiridex. Am I an AI over responder?

Moving forward I was thinking about having a local pharmacy compound the AI into a .25mg pill. If possible. I also have hcg I want to incorporate into my protocol. I was thinking test every 5 days hcg 2 days after test dose. I read in the sticky hcg should be 48 hours after test. Not sure about AI though.

Finally got my labs back.
Hemoglobin 14.8. 13.2-17.1 g/dL
Hematocrit 44.6 38.5-50.0%
Test. 547 250-827 ng/dL
PSA 0.9 < or= 4.0 Ng/mL
Estradiol <15 < or = 4.0 pg/mL

So my Estradiol must have been super low if I’m reading this correctly. I
haven’t had any AI in 9 days and I’m feeling way better now. I took .40 of
test on Tuesday instead of my usual .75. Please let me know if I’m on the
right track. This BW was done before my normal shot and 6 days after taking
a 1/4 of a 1 MG tablet of amiridex. Am I an AI over responder?

I began to feal better when I started to inject every 3.5 day’s (monday 5 pm and friday 5 am). Now at 40mg, my doctor thought my FT was to hi. He think’s I should be with in normal range. Befor injecting every 3.5 day’s, I ad energy and emotionel ups and down. I also ad the most wicked headacks and migraines.
No more rolor costors !:laughing:

I take my liquid anastrozole ( .250mg ) every 3.5 day’s at the same day of injection and when I get hcg I will also inject at same time. I don’t not want to be injecting every F****ing day.

I don’t think ofsetting test and hcg will make a big difference. Hcg is mimicking your lh to stimulate your test to keep them alive. But not making a significant amount of testosterone to ofset injection. I like things to be simple.
But it’s up to you to adapt your TRT.

Best of luck to you !

My 2 cents:

Appears that your symptoms began after your first dose of Arimidex - plus the fact that your recent labs show your E2 crashing so I believe therein lies the culprit. However, I have no knowledge about how estrogen levels affect blood pressure - but I do know that when I started my protocol of hCG with Adex and some Androgel– I was a mess – dizzy, shortness of breath, anxiety, etc. until I got everything dialed in. Also – your Hematocrit was not high at all so I doubt that contributed to your BP issues - and FWIW - I had the best BP in over 30 years – while on TRT - and there is evidence that it’s beneficial in that regard (as long as Hematocrit stays under control).

Lastly, BP changes based on environmental factors, hormones, diet, etc. so you should buy one of those portable units and test over a period of days and see how things go and what factors affect BP. I would try diet amendments and supplements before BP meds if I had to lower BP.

Thanks for the help guys. I’m going to follow the same protocol . Every 3.5
days. I took my 40 test and 500 iu hcg yesterday and a 1/4 MG amiridex
today. I think Friday I’ll take everything on the same day. I plan on
cutting back to 250 iu hcg after 2 weeks if my testicles respond. I feel
really really good right now and hope this becomes my normal. Again thank
you its nice to have a place to ask questions and get good feed back.

You can make up a solution of 1mg anastrozole per 1mg vodka and dispense by volume or by the drop.

You may feel more settled with a magnesium supplement.
Any leg craps, that is a deficiency.

I started test on Oct 20 and felt like a champ. 200 or 400 shots a week but in week 5 i felt like shit and had symptoms of a home in menopause…did blood work and my E was high so dr put me on Amiridex…1 pill a week…took wed…was at ER Thursday to get evaluated cause i felt hot flashes, dizzy light headed and like I was having a heart attack, they said all my vitals and blood work were fine and sent me home, woke up friday. felt great all day then today (Sat) woke up felt fine…around noon started to feel like shit again…dizzy and light headed off and on…out of breath easily …I looked up side effects of Amiridex and it can cause those side effects i guess…see my dr on Monday, hopefully with a solution

oh when I emailed my dr wed night , I told him i started feeling this way 15 min after i finished eating at a BBQ place w the family he told me to stick to a strict diet for at least a week…NO dairy, meat,pasta,rice,bread or alcohol and that my not so good eating probably caused inflammation which is causes me to feel this way…i am over weight so I guess it effects everyone different

Here’s my update hope it helps . I’ll try to keep it short. after my
episode and BW it turns adex dropped my E2 to almost nothing. I truly felt
awful for a couple of weeks really bad ED zero sex drive brain fog anxiety
and just not myself at all. I took some great advice from another forum
member and started dose 40mg test twice a week. 12-02 was my first dose at
40mg with a 1/4 tab of adex. I felt OK but not great. 12-05 I dosed 40mg
test 500 IU HCG. 12-08 40MG test 500 IU HCG. Still no adex and I honestly
feel fantastic ! My nuts are big and hanging zero ED awesome sex drive and
my confidence is through the roof. I’m a happily married man and father but
I still love when women notice me. Trying to keep this short I think E2
management is the biggest thing with this. Injecting less more aften has
been the key for me. I ordered 28 gauge insulin syringes and they are
painless . Nothing good happens fast. Also in the last few weeks I cut back
to one cup of coffee a day. This is big for me. I’ve also really modified
my diet. Hang in there and don’t be afraid to manage your protocol. There
is some trial and error and often I think less can be more.

Yes! I agry wiht you. Less is often better and it takes time to ajust. It’s important to listen to are body’s and try to dial it in. My self, after only 3 times using anastrozole at a lower dose it probably crash my E2. I was sleepy, my joints cracked and my body was aching all over. I was thirsty like hell and my lipes were so dry they craked. I will resum in 7 day’s with a 1/4 of the dose. So .0625mg of anastrozole .