1)What muscles should be stretched if there is hypo-extensibility in a)external hip rotators b)internal hip rotators.
What do you mean? Do you mean that a) there is an hypo-extensibility DURING and external hip rotation or that the external rotators are tight? If the external rotators are tight (pyriformis, gluteus maximum, sartorius) you must stretch them if the internal rotatators (TFL, gluteus medius, gluteux minimus) are tight you must stretch them.
2)What other functional tests do you use during your eval?
I’m currently writing a course on athlete evaluation and prescription. We will use a complete muscle testng (for range of motion mostly), body composition, body type analysis, several strength tests, power tests (using the fitrodyne unit and medicine balls), speed tests (30m, 60m, 40yds), agility tests, strength-endurance tests and, if required by the sport, a max VO2 test and a lactate treshold test.
3)What are your definitions of speed-strength and strength-speed?
Strenth-speed = the capacity to overcome a moderate load with maximum acceleration.
Speed-strength = the capacity to overcome a light load (or perform an unloaded movement) with maximum acceleration.
4)In the BBOTS you mention tapering when using loads of 95-100% before a game or test. Could you descibe how tapering should be done?
I rather use the term unloading. During an unloading week the volume of work is lowered by 50-60%, frequency can also be decreased and density is decreased (generally doubling the rest intervals) while the intensity is slightly increased compared to the previous weeks.
5)How should someone properly warm-up before doing eccentric work, isometric work or various forms of either one?
Not necessary before isometric work. Before eccentric work perform a few regular sets with a slow eccentric tempo, gradually increase the weight. Then when you are properly warmed up start your eccentric work sets.
6)When designing a power block how many days should power be trained and how many exercises should be used per day?
If using an upper/lower body split, 2 power workouts for each (4 total) with 3-5 exercises per session.
If using a whole body approach, 3 weekly workouts with 2-4 exercises.
7)Are the Prilepin charts used only for power/speed exercises or can they be used when desining a program for strength?
It was originally designed for maximal loads, thus it can be applied to strength training. However I don’t really use it, my programs are evolutionary, the volume and intensity is constently tweaked to fit the current capacities of the athlete. As Charlie Francis said: “Training IS testing” and testing allows you to regulate the training processes.
8)Besides the O-Lifts what other exercises do you recomend being used in a power block?
Jump squats, speed squats and speed bench with 45-65% of max, jump romanian deadlifts with 30-40% of max, medicine ball throws, depth jumps and various types of jumps. My new book will have over 30 such exercises.
9)Westside uses short rest periods between sets on DE day, what rest periods do you recomend on power days?
It depends on the needs of the athlete. If he plays a sport in which there is a short rest interval between actions (football for example) I will use short rest intervals. But for athlete needing to maximise power without having to worry about rest between actions (track and field, olympic lifters, powerlifters…) a good rule of the thumb is 1 minute of rest per rep on a lifting exercise and 30 seconds of rest per rep on unloaded exercises.
For example if I do a set of 5 reps in the power clean, a rest period of 5 minutes should be allowed. If I do a set of 8 depth jumps, 4 minutes is allowed.