Unable to Find Reason for Low T

Read this for additional bloodwork.

You have a degree of secondary hypogonadism. There is an issue with your HPTA. Need to find out why. When did symptoms start? Did an important life event happe around that time?

Pay special attention to these labs:

Thyroid labs [basic first line]
-T3 no see fT3
-T4 no see fT4
-are you getting enough iodine? probably not! http://tnation.T-Nation.com/...thryoid_problem

Adrenal labs
-Cortisol four sample saliva testing [the gold standard] (4-point cortisol) ->Tired mid-day? Awake at night?
-Pregnenolone [the foundation of the adrenal hormones and all steroid hormones *]
-DHEA [can’t make T without it] no see DHEA-S
-DHEA-S [DHEA Sulphate]

Your Vit-D is pretty low. You could take up to 10,000iu/day.

Never heard of testosterone fixing a “wub wub” sound in the head. Is it possible that you knew you had low testosterone and taking an oral testosterone gave you the “placebo effect”? I’m not doubting you. Just asking you to be honest with yourself.