[quote]humble wrote:
lol at Robert
Davo, I agree. I was embarrassed by all their shit house abilities. Rob whitaker looked like ass. Ben’s front kick to Rodrigo was my highlight. That Rodrigo is an arrogant cunt, walks around at shows her in Sydney like he owns shit. Glad he got owned.
Hector did what he normally does but Palhares was a frightened little kitten which was very surprising.
Pearson fucked George up bad.
The two brits looked like fucken dog shit. I can’t believe that the little fucker sat their like a spastic with his neck braced by nothing, reaching trying to grab the freak with no fucking clue of a technique. Basic fucken neck grappling defence out the fucking door on more than one occasion. Throw him in the bin.
A world famous fighter said it best "When your striking sucks, pick up two pieces of heavy rope and throw them up and down, or grab a sledge hammer and hit it on a tyre. Now I’m ready. "
Sadly that is the state of MMA fighters today and with the advent of “UFC GYMS” I fear for the office worker warrior who will now think because he has a better double under skipping record than you that he will be able to slap you one in the cage.
Fuck MMA again.[/quote]
Lol it’s disturbing to me how similar aussie culture is becoming to popular american culture.
It’s not that we haven’t always had dickheads but shit, I can’t tell the difference between guys like Rodrigo and jersey shore douchebags anymore besides the accents.
Anyway yeah, a much better performance for Lombard than his debut, but marred a little by how timid Palhares was I think, which was surprising as you pointed out.
Pearson looked fantastic though I was surprised. I never got all the circle jerking over G-sot’s supposedly fantastic boxing, I’ve always though his boxing was rudimentary at best and pearson highlighted that.
Fuck the rest of the smashes fellas, I didn’t even watch their fights.