Trump’s wisdom on Ukraine.
Trump ‘understands Russia’ when it comes to Ukraine joining NATO
Trump’s wisdom on Ukraine.
Trump ‘understands Russia’ when it comes to Ukraine joining NATO
Oh look, a President who can speak with nuance, clarity and coherence on complicated foreign policy topics.
I need to get away from the keyboard and go for a freezing cold walk, but this is totally bonkers to me. I’m actually THRILLED about the Federal government imposing itself on Maine. I would not have ever predicted that 20 years ago.
We are also a border state and most of it is actual frontier, at least on the Maine side. ICE is back in business, baby.
That Is completely meaningless. It used to be that once you got into the realm of felonies that bail started at about $10k per felony, and went up from there.
So you knew that if you did what ever, you’re going away and probably not coming back for a loooong time.
I will continue to hammer the point that we are no longer having a theoretical debate with the prevailing socialists here in Maine. They prevailed on many issues and continue to find success with our rigged system of elections.
Prior to their victories, all concerns were dismissed as “that’s not what will really happen”, “you don’t understand”, “you’re uneducated”, “that’s racist” and the usual rhetoric we’ve come to expect from socialist ideologues.
Here’s the ACLU of Maine during their victory lap after passing bail reform. Notice the justification along lines of racial equity. These social arsonists have no business running anything outside the halls of a self-funded academic circle jerk.
Yeah, that’s insane. I had bail that was twice that for “Defrauding an Innkeeper”, which is a second-degree misdemeanor.
Maybe dude shot up a bar and should need higher bail. Maybe he defended himself from a violent Mooslim in a clearly non lethal way and shouldn’t be charged at all.
Nobody I’ve spoken to has given me the impression that this was a justified case of self-defense, but I haven’t spoken to any first-hand witnesses. Nobody I knew was there that night.
Every week something happens in Lewiston that would have been the most shocking story in years if it happened 20 years ago, or even 10.
Another big win for the ACLU was when Leein Hinckley, who stabbed the mother of my kid’s childhood hockey teammate 18 times, was let out 10 years after doing that. After being promptly arrested again, he was let out on a reduced $1,500 bail to a technicality form Maine’s inability to provide a public defender.
He then killed two people and burned a house to the ground before being shot by police. EVERYONE knew Leein was bat-shit crazy, but somehow State of Maine concluded it to be in our interest that he roam society.
Every public institution we have is completely overwhelmed right now. 2-3 year case backlog in Androscoggin County. There is no money for more prosecutors or to entice more public defenders, as principles of “equity” demand funding for illegal migrants, harm reduction policies, transgenderism, low barrier homeless shelters, the list goes on.
We’re living in the utopia dreamt up in the halls of academia, where there’s no price to pay if your wild idea about government turns out to be terrible as long as it is met with peer approval.
He’s justifying the invasion of Greenland.
Also, just to add a bit to this idea, I am working under the assumption that LPD would not have charged him if that was the case. If Mohamed was also guilty of a crime, I assume he would also have been charged. He wasn’t.
There’s no shortage of people making this all about race on the LPD facebook page right now. From everything I can see it appears to be a pointless, optional bar fight that escalated to gunplay. Mohamed was apparently a regular who went there to play pool. Dudes named Mohamed have been common in Lewiston bars, including where I worked, for well over a decade now.
The Trump train continues to gather steam.
USAID pays for $8.5 million in Politico “subscriptions” LOLLL. It’s shocking, shocking, that Politico was apparently the first to break the “news” that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation ROFLMFAO!!!
Coincidentally, Politico was “late” in paying their employees this past week… If this was fiction, it would be hard to believe.
That fucktard has a position -it’s bent over with his effing cheeks spread wide open.
From CA of course, it’s such a cliche.
It’s William G. Resh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management at University of Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public Policy
I think the scale of the grift is beginning coming to light. It is no coincidence neocons like Dick Cheney were suddenly aligned with woke establishment socialists in their wild campaign against Trump. I really don’t want to declare victory yet, but I’m happy to see all the W’s piling up.
I’m not being hyperbolic when I say that Maine Democrats have successfully commoditized the most troubled and needy people in Maine, along with inviting as many troubled and needy people as possible in. It is sinister.
Every single person who stays addicted to fentanyl is a revenue stream in Lewiston. So is every immigrant, every homeless person and every other state dependent who reliably gets to the polls and votes D.
Tax dollars are extracted then funneled to a dizzying array of nonprofits with little to no oversight, including siphoning off millions of dollars donated to mass shooting victims for unrelated immigrant and prisoner nonprofits. The fury over that continues to grow in Lewiston, thankfully.
Meanwhile, core functions of government are in complete disarray.
I’m not going to watch this because I don’t need further reinforcement of my beliefs, but for those of you who actually thought Kamalalala DingDong was a viable President LOL:
Arrogant son of a bitch. I’d like to strangle some of these idiots that feel so entitled to just toss any amount of money to these ridiculous “causes” all over the globe.
I basically murder myself on a regular basis to prop up my family from month to month only to have these pigs throw their slop to their pig friends all over the world. This type of wastefulness has to be criminal.