Any feedback from you on what you did would be highly appreicated
I think you’re being a bit aggressive with your ai dosing.
@Tylermaxx what does your protocol and labs look like? If you have another thread where you have it posted please link.
Can that cause water retention? I believe the high estrogen to be causing the baloon face. The interesting thing is when I added 20 mg Nolva for a week, I have become much tighter and no water at all.
I will be getting them back soon, the issue is I am in Canada so it does not matter that much as it is not the “sensitive test” for Estrodiol. Nor they do Free Testesterone, or ft3 rt3… so pretty much I am in stone age medical system trying to solve it with “the feel” as there is no better alternative right now.
Yes high estrogen will definitely cause water and bloat.
No I meant can too much ai (ie low e2) cause it? As I believe crushed e2 will result in dry skin, painful joints, ed, but not really bloated face.
And again, Nolva for 1 week at 20 mg was an amazing feeling, cut me down, shredded all of a sudden I saw my face like I was back in 20s. Now I cut Nolva out, back to baloon face again.
I believe I read somewhere that yes, too low of E2 can cause bloating also but I do not remember where I saw it. I know that doesn’t help much but I do think it can cause it.
Hey brother, sorry I ghosted so long. What i finally ended up doing was daily injections (0.14mL daily of 200mg/mL test cyp) and taking 1mg arimidex eod. I feel the best this way, and minimal bloating/edema as well. When i was also pinning eod, with my AI, i was feeling well also. I just feel a little better pinning daily. I also try to drink as much water as possible and I do more cardio than I used to do. I’ve heard to also keep your carbs under control. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Best of luck brother!
Btw, I’d say with my current protocol, my bloat is 90% gone. In order to rid myself of the bloat completely, I’ve dropped my test cyp dose down to 140mg/wk (0.1mL daily test cyp 200mg/mL), then took 1mg adex e3d. I like how i feel now the best with 200mg/wk enough to not worry about the minimal swelling, as I can get my shoes on again and my blood pressure is under control.
Thank you bro, this helps a lot. I am doing 0.2 ml EOD of 250 Mg/ml Test E so 50 mg each shot. And 0.5 mg Adex on each shot. Seems to be doing the trick for me too. So roughly same amount.
I am not doing any hcg, but considering giving proviron and/or masteron a try later.
You’re welcome! Like i said, sorry it took me so long. Glad we’ve figured out how to get passed most of the negatives with this because i definitely feel so much better than i did preTRT! I could still drop a pound or two from my calves, ankles, and feet, but that’s much better than the 18lbs of water i had when i did my whole dose of 200mg/wk in only one shot without an AI! I couldn’t even wear shoes! That was honestly going to cause me to come off TRT altogether, as I’m positive that’s not good for blood pressure which i already have issues with and I’m medicated for it.
Oh no problem! I really appreciate the reply! Yes I am glad we did figure it out, trt is the best thing that could have happened. Do you use hcg?
Best Regards,
Cenk Ozkan
I’m currently under the same situation, did you find a solution?
Hey I’m sorry. I didn’t see the question until now. Yes, i do use hcg. Twice a week, 500iu.
I did. I now take more Arimidex. Do not blindly take mg upon mg, they ARE potent, and crashing your e2 sucks! When I’m doing all 200mg per week, along with the hCG, i end up taking 1mg every other day. That is ALOT for TRT! Also, my estradiol level is only 9, very low, but i do feel great. No achey joints, no stiffness, no loss of sexdrive, but the water retention does stop. I’m absolutely NOT a doctor, so my advice is only for my own experiences. I would start at trying 0.5mg every third day, then 1mg Adex every third day, but give it at least a couple weeks for you to adjust before upping the dose of Arimidex. This is how i finally got to 1mg, every other day. I just slowly upped my dose, once a month, until the swelling stopped (same as you, everything below my quads was fat as hell!) yet i don’t feel like garbage. Then i had bloodwork done and my doctor was like “what’s the deal with your e2?” I told him i ordered more arimidex for myself to stop the terrible water retention. He didn’t mind, but idk if every doc will be this understanding. So please take my advice with a grain of salt (don’t put too much value in it). Good luck, my brother!
Hey ddeemie, I took you advise and split my 200mg dosage into every 3 days and I started arimidex.25mg on day of shot. However I’m still retaining water (not as bad) but I still have the freaking moonface and I hate it! So I’m think about doing .5mg of arimidex every 3rd on day of shot of 66mg of test. What do you think or suggest?
I looked back at some of your posts and saw that your e2 was around 23. Your e2 should be good if still in that ballpark. How do you feel besides the moonface? Have you ever looked at your thyroid? The reason I ask is I have been looking more into hypothyroidism, and a puffy face, swollen ankles (water retention) are symptoms for hypothyroidism also. To me personally your e2 is decent if not a little low for your t numbers and think you are chasing the wrong dragon. Just my 0.02.
Thanks for your reply. I checked my TSH back in February of 2019 and it was at 1.840 uiu/ml 0.45. I still had a bit of moonface then. Actually what Made me Bloat a lot was HCG but I left alone already, but the Trt still haunts my water retention a bot
While that is not a horrible TSH that is still not that great. The consensus seems to be it needs to be closer to 1. TSH is only one marker though and does not answer where everything else with the thyroid is.
What would you recommend?