Danny reminds me of that famous liberal who lived on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in 1972 and was astonished by Nixon’s landslide victory. She literally said, “How could he have won? Nobody I know voted for him”.
Yes, and you’re under the delusion that a single website promoting this 10mg a day is anything that will convince me from tens of thousands doing it completely differently. You must be kidding me.
If 10mg a day was working, we’d all be doing that and that’s what I would be reporting because I DON’T CARE one way or another what the right answer is. I just want the right answer. Every single one reports back the same thing. I have demonstrated the same in every one I worked with. I have seen less than 10 of those requiring ultra low amounts like @Rosco88. The guys that are doing well are never to be found in these forums. These forums typically contain the outliers. The less than 1%… and here you are making assumptions based on this less than 1% to try to contradict the ridiculous amount of data I have amassed. It’s nothing. It’s a tiny speck.
I’ve read many posts on here.
You and high pull and a couple others suggest to many to not start at anything less than 150.
I do like reading your posts. Just because I don’t agree with 1 thing doesn’t mean I don’t like to read your other info and opinions.
I fell into this, thinking I needed 240+mg weekly to feel better. Turns out I just needed daily doses, as low as 18mg. I’ve felt great the last 4-5 weeks, so I got TT checked just cos I had a coupon code to use, thinking I’d be at 800-900ng, based on lack of symptoms.
Came back at 500ng exactly. If I hadn’t checked that I’d never have believed I could feel good at such a low TT. My SHBG is 22nmol so FT is 13ng (2.6%).
My opinion, as uneducated as it is, is most guys need to do their shots more often, lower the peak and raise the trough, and they’ll realize they needed a lot less T than they thought they did.
I also like the idea of blind blood test. Seek symptom resolution without the patient knowing TT or FT. They may be surprised to find they feel great at a much lower level than they had first believed.
There is a reason this is recommended as best practices. It isn’t an arbitrary number.
100mg is rarely enough to get the job done for MOST MEN. If you start at 100mg, you will usually need to work your way up over time and this will simply delay the amount of time it takes to resolve a man’s symptoms.
200mg is frequently too much, in my opinion, even though I know a TON of clinics that START men at that dose. Problem is, if that person is an outlier, that 200mg is really going to mess him up.
150mg has been a good middle ground so far where we can either head down or up. If the person is an outlier, that implies he is either one of the rare ones that need crazy LOW doses or one of the rare ones that need crazy HIGH doses. There is no way to determine this in advance so all we can do is recommend what works for the NORM and hope for the best. If you alter your strategy for outliers you are shooting yourself in the foot. What if you decide to start ultra low and the guy is an outlier (like me) who requires a super high dose? Or vice versa?
My ideal starting dose over a year ago was 200mg a week. I have since revised this to 150mg to better take advantage of the minimum dose required to resolve symptoms strategy. Get the guy feeling good and then lower the dose very slightly over time, all while the guy is symptom free and happy, to determine lowest dose required to sustain this.
If anyone disagrees with the above, I’m sorry, you’re lost. Absolutely lost.
My guess is you’re feeling so good because you’re down to 500ng a perfectly normal level for a natural male. Since you’re feeling so good, I wouldn’t necessarily change anything but I bet you’d feel just as good on 125 a week as you do on 18 a day.
So imagine that. You didn’t target a number, tried something, and it worked for you. The number at the end of the day was irrelavent, as it should be.
This frequent dose not work with high SHBG guys. I used to tell EVERYONE to do daily because, on paper, it’s the best way to maintain stable levels. Lots of high SHBG guys tried it and felt like garbage. I amassed enough evidence to know that this typically doesn’t work with high SHBG guys, though there are exceptions.
I gather you will say 120 soon or eventually. Things evolve in this field. …
I know you don’t like to hear this. But my Dr has over a 100 on trt. Most take near 100 a week.
Its amazing how different trt forums breed different things. Some still say ai is necessary. Others say 75mg a week is what most are on etc.
So who’s right?
This is a sound methodology. From there a pragmatic approach should get one close to what they need to feel good.
It was a big deal for me to drop to 150 and lots of people bitched me out… but with my experience I have found this to be an ideal middle ground between too low and too high.
You need to keep in mind that there is nothing to pre-determine someone’s dose. You’re making a guess and then going from there until you get to the right answer. If you need to guess a number between 1 and 100, you say ‘50’, and then you’ll find up if you need to go higher or lower. You’ve already eliminated half the options that way.
I think it would, but their dose would have to be higher. To match my FT of 2.6% they may need 1.5-2x what I need, and that’d be fine.
I’ll repeat for you. Feel free to check with Scott, @yeti308, any expert you’d like to consult. Well scratch @yeti308, I doubt he gets it. But it is a fact, however unpleasant it may seem.
I’m not sure of this, but also never tried. Legal TRT for 3 years and B&C for a decade before that, never took just one shot per week.
It’s not necessarily a bad starting point but every freaking doctor out there better realize a man may need to go down from there and not just assume he needs to go up.
You said 100, and I said no. Now your example is based on 150. Are you purposely playing games with me? Not to mention, you’re taking into account the PEAKS in this chart when we measure at trough. In this chart, 100mg dose not take men into supra levels at trough.
You’re still targeting a number and a range which is pointless to resolve symptoms. No man cares about a number on a piece of paper if they still feel like garbage.
Oh look, you deleted your example chart you posted… I wonder why…
Howell? Yeah… that won’t be happening any time soon…
Also not an MD and can’t prescribe anything so his experience is literature only. You and him would get along wonderfully.
You said 150 as a middle ground, not me.
No games sir. My point is that 150 mg/week of test ester will put most men in supra. That’s all. What’s so difficult to understand?
Hold on, he was the smartest dude you knew a while back. He knew that with CERTAINTY.
Oh, and I believe you told me there was no better MD to learn from than @yeti308.
Let’s be buds. Even though you tried to pain me as a raging GAINZ ROID user, Happy Friday.
Yes. Please. I know this sounds insane of me to say but I hate arguing.
I no longer associate with either of them. I actually try to remain as far from them as my life can allow. Nothing stopping anyone from dealing with them. I simply will not do so under any circumstances imaginable. Only because you asked me about them.
Your still my Celebrity T ambassador. I’ll get you some math learning and you can school me on the finer art of charisma. I think both of our hearts are in the right place. I wish you well.