Sounds like typical E2 effects after a few weeks.
Endo’ can be idiots. Would be fun to show him that the testing labs have male reference ranges for E2 lab tests.
Please read these stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman
- advice for new guys
- things that damage your hormones
- protocol for injections
- finding a TRT doc
You should be self injecting:
- 50 mg T cyp/eth twice a week
- 0.5mg anastrozole at time of injections
- 250mg hCG SC EOD to preserve testes and fertility - very important at your age
Injecting T once a week or wider apart will increase E2.
You need frequent injections so levels are steady and labs actually represent something.
Many here have thyroid issues caused by not using iodized salt. Easy signs are sparse outer eyebrows and low body temperatures - feeling cold easier. You can eval overall thyroid function by checking oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky.