You find some men can’t handle large infrequent dosages, I had the same reaction to my 200mg injections. I inject 7mg daily because I feel much better than injecting big dosages infrequently.
If estrogen was high pre-TRT and you go and inject 175mg all at once, well now that’s going to cause big problems. The second week your levels are going to be low again and now must spend 2 weeks with low-T while probably estrogen dominant.
Doctors fresh out of medical school know nothing about sex hormones or TRT, doctors often follow drug manufacturer recommendations for dosing, in the case the recommendations are so far off almost no one can benefit. So now doctors are left to tinker with dosing to find what’s optimal for the patient, some refuse to do so for liability reasons.
You’ll never find men on TRT injecting dosages every 3 weeks, there will quit. You will find a very smaller percentage of men injecting every 2 week and benefiting. I was originally prescribe 200mg every 3 weeks, went to a different provider and started tinkering with twice weekly, EOD and daily dosing based off what I learned on these forums.
Dr. Lawrence D. Komer is in Burlington, Ontario and is very knowledgeable in men’s and women’s hormones.
When you were doing 200mg, did you find right off the bat you were anxious? My first injection was 200mg, I felt pretty good for about 10 days, then felt it wearing off, but no anxiety. My second 200mg, again I felt okay for about 10 days, but at the end of the second week I had a mild panic attack that slowly built into constant anxiety, which has lasted for about a month. I’d would expect the anxiety to come in right away… but I guess hormones are tricky. I recovered from an anxiety disorder mid last year, so I’m sensitive to anxiety issues as it is. Def can’t handle being blasted with moderate amounts of testosterone
I always recommended daily dosing to people with anxiety disorders because the injectable T spikes hormones in an unusual way which tends to exacerbate anxiety in those who are prone to it. I felt intense after these large injections, but no anxiety, I became super aggressive and was ready to rush a bull.
I feel amazing at 400-500 ng/dL, Free T at the top of the ranges and my SHBG is low so I can easily get away with these levels. When my Total T is 697 ng/dL, Free T is supraphysiological.
That is correct, I over-respond to everything, all medicines and even androgens. I get these same numbers on 5mg cypionate when compared to 7mg enanthate. I get results/benefits very fast.
Yes, theres a plethora of reasons, not many guys here have true answers, albiet they are good and some help, it can exasturbate underlying anxiety disorders. How? I have not 100% narrowed it down yet.
Today is just under 4 weeks since last shot of 175mg Test-E
Spoke with someone at the urologist office that said I don’t need any PCT because I wasn’t on it for long (9weeks) and I’ll have to wait about 2 months to actually talk to a doctor about what’s happening.
Feeling like complete garbage.
-headaches/sinus pain
-run down/lethargic/tired
-heart beating super hard
-freezing hands and feet (get cold easily)
-sleep is bad
-Weird buzzing/tingling in leg muscles (feels like my phone is ringing, but it’s not there)
-hot flashes
-general feeling of being unwell, like I have the flu or something.
I experienced this as well, the T cypionate regulates hematocrit and as the cypionate washes out of my system, it takes hematocrit down real low, I have seen this in my lab testing. Normally with no cypionate in my system (natural), my hematocrit is 46%, but after stopping TRT a little more than a week later hematocrit is 38% (below range) and have never seen it this low ever, not pre-TRT or on TRT unless my dosage is insufficient.
I usually feel like I’m waking up in Antarctica naked, I’m freezing hands and feet don’t even work correctly. Sleep declines as well and I experience each one of your other symptoms listed.
Man, this sucks. I’m still waiting on my testosterone results, but my iron seems to be on the low side.
53ug/L but the ref range is 22-275 so I’m not sure if it would actually be considered low enough to be causing any of these symptoms.
Iron by itself doesn’t tell you much. You need TIBC and Ferritin levels as well. Your body stores minerals everywhere, so serum levels are a pretty dim shadow of the whole picture unfortunately.
Aaaack, it’s never simple… why can’t it ever just be simple?
He only ordered ferritin.
I was suspecting low iron due to dietary adjustments for high cholesterol. I cut out meat, which apparently can lead to iron deficiency. I guess I’ll have a chat with him to see if he’ll do any follow up blood work next week.
Next Monday will be 5 weeks since my last shot of test. Anxiety was thru the roof from week 5 of test and finally at 5 weeks off of test I’m close to baseline. According to all my charts I’m 81% less symptomatic. No more palpitations, hands and feet getting cold not nearly as often, headaches almost completely gone and I am finally sleeping through the night. I still get waves of anxiety from time to time, but I suspect it’s more of a getting nervous that the extremely anxious feelings returning than actual having the same anxiety. When everything thing calms down I may try to go back on again likely dosing every week at the very least. Not happy with my doc. I really wanted this experience to be a positive one and I think under the proper care it likely would have been. Such a shame.
Question. If my paternal grandfather and father both had prostate cancer, is it wise to even bother with TRT? My doc didn’t seem to worry, but I don’t trust him now for obvious reasons.
Depends, the correlation between DHT and prostate cancer is incredibly controversial. The prostate doesn’t seem to be pliable like skeletal muscle, in that no matter the concentration of DHT, androgen receptor density/numbers of remains the same, thus theoretically those predisposed to getting prostate cancer might get it anyway
Within meta analysis, prostate cancer incidence doesn’t appear to increase with testosterone replacement, but those who are hypogonadal tend to have more aggressive/faster progressing prostate cancer.
@dbossa lives in Canada and sees a good TRT practitioner, perhaps he can help you out… I don’t suppose you could travel down to the US, see a doc, take the prescription back up and do so like 2x yearly?
Thanks for the info. I don’t know if you can get a prescription filled here from a doctor from another country. Something worth looking into maybe. I have a buddy who is trying to get me in contact with his guy in California, but tbh I’d rather see someone close who can monitor my blood work.