TRT/Cruise, Can't Decide

This is a pretty typical ‘cruise’ and the highest end of TRT dosing that could really be called “medically needed”, although that is pretty subjective if we’re being honest here.

Running high doses like this will likely result in some harm in the long run, but it’s hard to know how much that really is… hard to replicate a study that would take decades while also reducing variables in any meaningful way, ya know?

I suggest not veering out of these zones for purposes of TOT “Testosterone Optimization Therapy”, just be aware that medically justifiable TRT isn’t going to put you at supraphysiological TT or fT levels - which you are guarenteed to be at right now.

This graph has quite a bit of data in it for reference, if you’re interested in reading a bit.

Expect your dose response to be along the blue line (the average dose response).

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