I appreciate everyone’s concerns and I’m well aware of the family history and have always known I’m going to go out with a heart attack just didn’t know when.
@unreal24278 I have only been on Crestor (statin) for a month. I started after the last blood labs I had done. Technically my resting heart rate is low 60s when I sleep. But I agree my day heart rate is high but I’m not sure that’s from the anxiety from all this. It’s like my brain fog causes me to not feel sharp and trying to function like that gives me anxiety. But I’m not sure. I’m not increasing my trt dose.
Dad is on cholesterol medication, CPAP, beta blocker and was on TRT until he was recently told to stop due to his blood levels getting to high despite blood donations.
@dextermorgan I have started the B12 this morning. I’m not going to adjust TRT dosage at this moment bc I’m not convinced that was the issue. I ask you bc I’ve read a few of your post where you mention you didn’t see benefits of TRT until anemia was addressed.
Pre TRT:
Hemoglobin: 38.8
Hematocrit: 13.4
Didn’t have iron levels tested until after trt with ongoing issues. Values are:
Ferritin: 87
Iron: 88
TIBC: 416
UIBC: 328
Iron Saturation: 21%
B12: 338
These numbers are identical to what yours were and wanted to ask if you think it was really the Iron and B12 that helped.
I’ve tested everything from adrenal function, thyroid, Pheochromocytoma, Lyme, heart, brain and every doctor said since my numbers were within range that anemia was not the cause however according to Red Cross my numbers are anemic and I can check of quite a few symptoms of iron and b12 defiency even though numbers are low normal.