[quote]iw84aces wrote:
There is adrenal fatigue a book written by Lawrence Wilson
Then there is Wilson’s temperature syndrome
They are both not real diagnosis that you will find in medical text books.
Have you checked the adrenals?
Subclinical thyroid problems are quite common
In my opinion you should drink when your thirsty
If you have frequent thirst and urination this is a symptom.
Don’t drink to much water man. But defiantly stay hydrated
I have you the thyroid labs
Next would be adrenals
C peptide
Rt3<<<< low body temps
Fasting glucose
These tests should be done at 8 am as cortisol is highest in the morning.
The fact that he tested rt3 and not t3 or ft3 really leaves you blind man. You need at least one of them to do the calculation.
Ast alt would be good to know
Progesterone pregnonalone dhea-s
With one kidney can’t see anyone giving you troubles checking something new positive
U can order labs from lef.org but the sale is over, at the same time they do have a male ultra sensitive e2 test
Low body temps can be from more then just ID the fact that this is the only focus here is bogus.
Heavy metals such as murcury poisoning would also cause low body temps
Auto immune diseases would also play a part.
I’m sure there is more then this… I am researching this so give me some time
Thank you for your help!